Chapter 9

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After we had a little argument because I threw him off with the cold pack, he claims it's because of hunger that I'm so aggressive and disappears into the kitchen. At that moment he comes out of the kitchen with a fat grin and puts the food on the table. "A simple soup." "Thanks, really nice of you." I thank him. He sits down across from me. Admittedly, I was getting really hungry. But suddenly, as I reach for the spoon, that pain comes over me again on my hands that have been hit by the hot tea. "Oh no, you can't hold the spoon? No problem, I'll help you." Confused, I look at him and watch as he sits down next to me. He picks up the spoon and holds it out to me. "Open your mouth." My eyes widen. "Eh but-" Sure enough, my cheeks had already turned pink. "Just do it." Uncertainly, I open my mouth and he slides the spoon in. Suddenly, that uncomfortable heat comes over me again and I reflexively spit out the soup. "Hot, hot!" Tendou grins, probably finding my reaction amusing again. "You know you have to swallow the food, right?" "Of course, it's just very hot. Can I blow it cold first?" "I don't know what you mean." My gaze changes back to a somber expression and I watch him get a rag and dry everything off. "What are you looking at, y/n?" "You gotta be kidding me again." Tendou sits back down with me and runs the rag over my mouth. "There, now swallow, please." Again he takes the spoon and holds it in my direction. This time I blow on it, but he grabs my jaw from underneath and pinches my cheeks with his thumb and forefinger so that my mouth opens automatically and he can put the spoon in. Now I know what it's like to be defenseless. The pain I feel and I can do nothing. Tears form in my eyes again. I quickly swallow the soup. My whole throat burns with pain. "Ouch! Tendou, that really hurts ..." I squeeze out the sentence because my throat still hurts from the hot soup. "Why are you crying again?" There it is, his fake, worried face. Suddenly, he hugs me. I push him away as best I can, because my hands still hurt. Defiantly, I get up and grab my backpack. "Where are you going?" "Well, home," I say as a matter of course. "But we haven't gotten far with our partner work." He tries to convince me. "And whose fault is that, huh?" He quickly grabs my wrist. "Please ... don't go yet." As I try to break free, he tightens his grip. "Hey, let go of me!" "Please don't leave me like all the others ..." At this request from him, I look up into his face. The look of concern pierces me. What does he mean by this? Does he mean something he had told me when I looked at the photo? That he would just be laughed at anyway, like he was then? I tense up less and drop the backpack. Tendou loosens his grip around my wrist when he notices this.


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