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"Oh please, vermin like you sink your teeth into any unknowing woman." This time it was a man with the color of bright green leaves, like the ones you see at the beginning of spring. He brought back words from a previous conversation, had he been waiting to make a jab? "Don't touch her, she probably carries diseases." This time, he was smacked along the head of the brown-haired boy. "Why you-"

"Everyone, let her breathe would you?" The Redhead was pushed from my immediate view, the brown-haired coming into view. I could tell the species of only two of them. The one who helped me up was a vampire, he didn't even attempt to hide his fangs. The one before me was the one I worried the most about. Lycan, a kind that mine and his had been at odds with for as long as I could remember. Should he discover me now, it might not bode well for my well-being. "The name is Orion, and these are my brothers." He pointed to the variety pack of men.

"That there, is Raven." He pointed to the timid-looking man. His hair wasn't as long as mine, but it appeared to be the most disheveled and lengthy one out of the bunch. "He's our youngest." This was said to me in more of a hush. Raven made eye contact with me momentarily, before adverting his gaze to play with some leaves he had in his hands. Now that I looked at him, I realized his wings were a abundance of purple. Even the tips of his black hair seemed to be shaded a deep purple. Some feathers littered his cheeks and forehead, along with his arms and hands.

"Then there's Isen." He pointed to the loose coily magenta haired man. Most of his curly hair was pulled back into a low, yet disorganized ponytail. He wore round glasses, ones with clear lenses. They were nothing Like I had seen before.

"Hey Hey Hey!" His smile was warming and inviting. It reminded me of a close friend, Dante. He was in my village. Was. "Kinda diggin' the style! I mean look at you, all.. dead-like. Is this a new form of Alt?" He seemed harmless with his words, he didn't act like the green-haired. I doubt his words were meant to actually offend me.

"What ye-"

"That right there would be Daisuke. Don't mind him, he never learned to take the silver spoon from his mouth."

"Why you impudent f-" The one that goes by Isen covered his brother's mouth. Both of them throwing petty hits afterward.

"And that's Silas, the one you should watch out for. He does bite, by the way." Silas waved, which that charming smile once more. I already knew he bit, which made the lie I had planned a bit more difficult. They'd start pressing for questions later, and I needed to hurry and find my father. For now, I needed to make up a lie.

"This would be Zephyr, our latest companion but the best cook you'll ever meet." It was the blonde from earlier, the one who gave me the extra layer. Not sure what his ability in cooking had to do with anything, but who was I to question it?

"What y-" Perhaps he saw my confusion, because without giving me a second to speak he spoke for me, though it didn't answer any of my questions.

"We aren't blood-related. Just a bunch of war orphans who can't seem to separate."

"War?" A war leaving so many different species orphaned? That seemed impossible. Better yet, that seemed like it would have taken much longer than twenty years. Most species got along with each other just fine. What the hell happened? "What war?"

"Not all of us are war orphans." The green-haired-Daisuke snapped. "And the great war, obviously. God, how long have you been under there?" He scoffed as if this was basic knowledge and I should have known it.

"What year is it?"

"It's 3005, February 16th."



Title inspired by

to my cat, who is the only consistency in my life
(i can't get rid of him)




"Strange was the Earth"
on spotify

𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang