A Pressing Issue

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Poor old Jack needed a good nights sleep. Captain Arthur was in need of something. The tavern looked liked it was going to close for the night after the end of the shanty, and the drunken farmer couldn't impersonate a toddler, let alone walk home. Arthur didn't want to leave him. The Captain was wise but also the worrying type. It was dangerous at this time of night. No, Jack wouldn't survive. "I can't just leave him..." The Captain thought to himself. Jack needed to be safe, and Arthur wanted peace of mind. "Life at sea is a good opportunity to start fresh..." Arthur said silently. Then another thought that might cause a hinderance passed the Captains mind. He couldn't just drag a man across the street even in the dead of night. Someone might see him. "Hey barkeep!" The Captain loudly exclaimed. "How long till this here pub closes?"
A smart idea might have appeared in the wise Captain's head. "20 minutes" said the barkeep in a normal tone. A thoughtful look was on the Captain's face until he quickly left the pub.

The legs of the Captain were moving fast. He was sure to be careful, there wasn't much visibility at time, and as he knew, it was dangerous. He was running to his ship that he knew so well. Most of his crew would be asleep by now, but the Captain gave an order to a very trusted Sailor.

Waiting at the ship was Sailor Sophie or as the higher ups knew her, Sailor Sam. "How's it going, Sam?" Questioned the Captain in an excited manner that everyone was used to with him. "...You know you can call me Sophie when no one higher up is around... right?" Mumbled Sophie while grabbing her arm uncomfortably. Guilt passed through Arthur. "Yeah, I'm sorry..." Sophie quickly wanted to change the subject. "...Anything you need Captain?!" Not wanting to look miserable, the Captain quickly responded. "Aye, could you awaken the Press Gang?" A look of dread filled Sophie's face. "Th... the press... gang?" The press gang didn't have the best reputation on ship or on land. No one wanted to be forced to go to war. Sophie started to ramble. "But they are really mean and rowdy, and they are probably asleep right now, I don't wanna make them mad!"
The Captain looked like he was about to do something he was about to regret. "I'm sorry, but that's an order." Sophie got handed a piece of paper with some orders on it. "Please give them that." The Captain ordered. The terrified Sailor walked off defeated. The Captain however walked back to the pub. He wanted to make sure the drunk with honour was still there.

The anxious Sailor walked on to the ship, still grasping her arm. Luckily, the press gangs were coming up on deck, so there was no chance of disturbing them. As she could hear their footsteps, she just waited for them to come up. They were bantering around with each other. As they opened the door, Sophie got more and more scared. "Oh look who it is, the weak Sailor, who's the Captain's favourite!" One of the Press Gangs uttered.
Sophie just put her hand out to give out the order. She just wanted to get this over with. One of the Press gangs snatched the piece of paper and read aloud so his mates could hear.
"Why should we do this?" They moaned. "Captain's order... so you should do it!..." said Sophie trying to sound confident. "And what has the Captain ever done for us?" They complained. "He even watered down our alcohol!" They criticised. "Hang on, lads!" Another yelled. "We might get payed extra for this and get something stronger to drink!" He pointed out with excitement. They all looked at the quivering sailor in front of them."Fine, we'll do it, not for the Captain, but because we need something to distract us." One of them said with a cunning look plastered on his face. The press gang started to walk to the Pub. There was one thing that everyone agreed on. This was going to be a set of interesting events.

Character Design for Sailor Sophie.

Character Design for Sailor Sophie

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