Part 31

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'Please Clarke let me explain,' Lexa says.

'Fine you have 20 minutes until my daughter comes home,' Clarke says.

'Daughter?' Lexa asks.

'You wanted to explain right? Well this is your only chance so if you wanna talk about my life well that's fine but then you can be sure I'll never forgive you,' Clarke says.

'So I have a chance,' Lexa teases. Clarke rolled her eyes. And crossed her arms.

'Right,' Lexa says.

'Clarke I'm home!' Madi called.

'Shit,' Clarke whispered. She pushed Lexa off of her. 'You have to go,' Clarke says. 'And this wasn't supposed to happen,' she says.

'You talk about it like I fucked you when I knew your child was coming home,' Lexa says.

'Lexa,' Clarke says warningly.

'I'm sorry I'm sorry,' Lexa says while getting up from the couch. Clarke shouldn't have let herself sink into those arms because now she wanted more and she couldn't do that to herself. Not anymore.

'Clarke?' Madi asked.

'I'm here,' Clarke said.

'Who's that?' Madi asked while pointing at Lexa.

'An old friend,' Clarke said.

'Is she okay?' Madi asked softly.

'Yeah she's fine,' Clarke said.

'Are you okay?' Madi asked. 'Why were you crying?' she asked.

'Nothing. I'm fine. There's ice cream in the kitchen if you want,' Clarke says. Madi cheered and took off to the kitchen.

'She seems sweet,' Lexa says.

'You weren't supposed to meet her,' Clarke says.

'Don't worry. I won't kill her,' Lexa teases.

'Lexa this is not funny,' Clarke says. She pushed Lexa into the direction of the door.

Days passed by. Seeing Lexa again made Clarke want more of her. All of her. She knew Lexa couldn't give that to her. Her own mind tore her apart. Every time the door rang she hoped it was Lexa. Which was unrealistic. She knew that. Lexa was never coming back to her. They left things on good terms but they both moved on. That's what Clarke told her. That she moved on from Lexa. It was a lie. She never wanted anyone other than Lexa. Sometimes she feels bad for Bellamy. He tried all those years. He trusted her with his daughter and still she couldn't love him like she loved Lexa. Lexa was the one for her and she knew it from the moment she met her all those years ago. As an undercover agent. Lexa saw right through her and she still does. At least she hopes so because that would mean she saw how much she needed Lexa right now. Lexa wanted nothing more than to be with Clarke right now, but she knew the blonde had Madi now. Her life was too dangerous for a child. She's the daughter of a criminal. She's a criminal. She can be killed any minute by a rival of her father.

Nearly a month and Lexa still hadn't shown up. She started to lose hope. Lexa had bigger problems right now. She wanted to be with Clarke. She wanted to explain why she can't. It was time for Lexa to leave. Leave forever. Leave her father forever.

The sound of her gun echoing through the room. The blood streamed out of his body. He took enough from her. He took her little sister. He took her brother. He took her son. He broke her little sister's heart. Anya stared at his lifeless body. She saw Lexa entering the room.

'Anya,' she gasped.

'It had to be done,' Anya said coldly. She expected Lexa to get mad at her, but instead she just pulled her close and hugged her. A tear left the older girl's eye.

'It's okay Anya,' Lexa whispered as she rubbed soothing patterns on her sister's back.

'Aren't you mad?' Anya asked.

'Like you said,' Lexa paused for a moment. 'it had to be done.'

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