Part 15

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'Yep.' Anya says. 'What are you doing here?' Lexa asks. 'More like what are you doing here.' Anya says. She sits down besides Lexa. 'I thought you were under daddy's protection.' Anya said. She sounded like she was mocking her. 'Yeah until I betrayed him.' Lexa mumbles. 'You did that?!' Anya practically shouts. 'Yeah I guess.' Lexa mutters. 'That's my girl.' Anya says as she wraps her arms around Lexa. 'Yeah well I have to get out of here.' Lexa says. 'Isn't dad going to kill you if you get out of here.' Anya says. 'Yes but she's worth it.' Lexa says. 'She huh?' Anya says. 'Yes An.' Lexa says. 'Oh cheer up.' Anya says. 'I'm in prison.' Lexa says. 'Yes, yes you are. What gave it away. The orange suit. The walls. The guards?' Lexa rolled her eyes. 'You don't understand.' Lexa says. 'True I've been here for four years.' Anya says. 'Four?' Lexa asks. 'Yeah. When I said I quit dad framed me for murder. I had to leave my son behind and go.' Anya said. 'Aden.' Lexa says. 'Yeah.' Anya sighs. 'He's eight now.' Anya says. 'Have you seen him lately?' Lexa asks. 'No he's hiding with Lincoln.' Anya says. 'The last time was three years ago.'

Lexa stared at the ceiling. It was dirty. It looked like it hadn't been cleaned since forever. Her mind was spinning. She's wondering how Clarke is doing right now. She wants to know, but she also doesn't. All she wants is to see Clarke one more time, but she can't. It could bring her in danger and that's not what she wants for her.

Today is visiting day. She didn't expect anyone to come for her. 'Lexa Woods, you have a visitor. When I saw her sitting in that room waiting for me my heart broke all over again. She looked exhausted. She had dark circles around her eyes. The normally bright blue eyes were now grey. Lexa slowly went inside. She sat down opposite from Clarke. 'Hi.' Lexa whispered. 'Hi.' Clarke whispered back. She laid her hand on top of Lexa's. 'You look tired.' Lexa says. 'Yeah I haven't slept in two days.' Clarke says. 'Why not?' Lexa asks. 'That's why I came here.' Clarke says. Lexa raises her eyebrow. She doesn't know what is going on. She's confused. 'We're going to get you out of here.' Clarke says. 'Clarke no. You can't.' Lexa says. 'Why not?' Clarke asks. 'My father. He will kill me.' Lexa says. Now Clarke is confused. 'Lexa, was it your father?' Clarke asks. 'When.' Lexa says. 'The bar.' Clarke says. 'Yes.' Lexa says. 'I'll find him.' Clarke says. 'Clarke don't. It's too dangerous.' Lexa says. 'Lexa I want you out of here.' Clarke says. Her voice was strong before now it sounds broken and begging. A tear escaped Lexa's eye. 'Clarke I confessed all the murders there's no way you're going to get me out of here.' Lexa says. 'What was your motive?' Clarke asks. Lexa gasps. She didn't expect this question. 'Tell me.' Clarke says. 'Your father?' Clarke asks. 'No. You should go.' Lexa says. 'Lexa.' Clarke says. 'Go.' Lexa says. Her heart ached when she told the girl to go. She didn't want her to go. She wanted her to stay. She wanted her to save her from this place, but she couldn't let her do that. She couldn't bring the girl in danger. If anything ever happens to Clarke because of her, she knows she couldn't forgive herself. She knows Titus will go after her when she starts digging. Clarke stood up and turned around. Hoping for Lexa to tell her to stay. She slowly walked towards the exit. If she stepped over this line she couldn't come back. She wanted Lexa to tell her to wait, but she heard nothing. She turned around to look at Lexa one more time. 'Clarke wait.' Lexa says. Clarke runs back to her. Lexa pulls Clarke in for a hug. 'I love you.' Lexa whispers. She lets go of the girl.

'She told me not to do it.' Clarke says as she walks into her apartment. Octavia and Raven stayed here to find more on Lexa. 'Do you want to stop?' Octavia asks. 'No.' Clarke says. 'Well then we keep going.' Raven says. 'I think it's her father. She said it isn't but I'm pretty sure it is.' Clarke says. 'I'll try to find something on him.' Raven says. 'Thanks.' Clarke says. She hangs up her coat and makes herself a cup of coffee.

'Was that her?' Anya asks. 'Yeah.' Lexa says. 'She's pretty.' Anya says. 'She is.' Lexa says. 'Are you Woods?' Someone asks. 'Yeah what do you want?' Lexa asks in a harsh tone. 'Your life.' She says. Before she can do anything there's a knife in her stomach. 'Guards!' Anya yells. Two guards run towards them. Two guards pull the woman off Lexa. The knife is still in her body. 'You'll be okay.' Anya whispers.

It's a few days later. Lexa fully recovered from the stabbing. They just released her from the hospital and she's going back to prison now.

'You need to get yourself in solitary.' Anya says. 'What why?' Lexa asks. 'It was dad.' Anya whispers. Apparently Titus didn't want to wait until Lexa got out of prison. If Clarke wants Lexa to get out of here she needs to hurry. 'One phone call.' Lexa says. 'Fine.' Anya says.

'Lexa?' Clarke's confused. They agreed to only speak in person. 'My dad sent someone to kill me. I was stabbed. You need to hurry.' Lexa says. With those words she ended the call. Hoping Clarke got the message.

'We need to hurry. Her father sent people to kill her.' Clarke says. 'You told us he'd only do that when she got out.' Raven says. 'Apparently he couldn't wait.' Clarke says. 

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