Part 8

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They landed in London eleven hours later. They agreed to meet in an alley. Jasper drove them there. Jasper is the agent who Clarke didn't know. Apparently he just transferred to New York. Clarke wasn't happy this became a team mission. 'Why does Echo go by her first name.' Clarke asks. 'I'm a spy. I don't have a last name.' Echo says. 'How did you get here?' Clarke asks. No one heard her enter the van. 'I told you, I'm a spy and a good one. Indra's words not mine.' Echo says. Octavia rolled her eyes. 'So here's the plan.' Monty started. 'So you're the boss now.' Clarke said. 'I don't think Indra gave you the plan, but go ahead tell them Indra's plan.' Clarke stayed quiet. 'Thought so.' He said.

'Since agent Griffin is not very good at finding digital trails,' 'Hey I found out that she went to school in London all on my own.' Clarke says. 'You found out that someone named Lexa who doesn't have a last name went to school in London.' Monty says. Before Clarke could say anything back Octavia shushed them both. 'We're on the same team.' Octavia said. 'So Reyes and I will be doing the digital part. If we find a house Echo can go find evidence. Agent Blake is backup right now and you, agent Griffin. You have to make sure you're still in her inner circle.' Monty said. 'What do I do?' Jasper asks. 'Drive the van.' Monty says. 'That's boring.' Jasper says. 'You just joined. Be glad you get to be here.' Monty says. 'Okay, okay maybe you aren't the worst Green.' Clarke says.

'Lexa goes to bars a lot.' Clarke says. 'Maybe I should find some bars close to the school and look for her there.' Clarke says. 'Then she'll know you follow her.' Octavia says. 'Raven and I can go.' Octavia says. 'Yeah if we find her we contact you guys and Echo can follow her to her house.' Raven says. 'Sounds like a plan to me.' Monty says. The van was parked in an alley behind an old restaurant. The FBI owned the restaurant and this is where they'll be staying for a while. 'Where's Finn?' Clarke asks. 'He got fired.' Raven says. 'We told Indra you were a little distracted because of what happened. Then he got fired.' Raven explained.

Raven and Octavia got ready to leave. They didn't take any gadgets with them. They had to look as normal as possible. Obviously everyone would notice they weren't British. 'We will be fine.' Octavia whispered. 'I know.' Raven whispered.

After two hours of observing and having small drinks they still hadn't seen Lexa. Clarke gave them a detailed description of what she looked like. Raven had raised an eyebrow and looked at Clarke like she knew her secret. They were about to give up when a woman with black ripped jeans and a loose t-shirt entered the bar. It's her. It's Lexa. They found Lexa.

[on text]

Unknown: I know your friends are here sweetie

Clarke: Who are you??

Unknown: I think you know who xx

Clarke: Lexa?

Unknown: mhmm

Pull your people out of this if you want to see them back alive

Clarke: I-

Unknown: Talk to you later baby 

'Get them out of there now!' Clarke yelled. 'What?' Monty asked. 'Let's go!' Clarke yelled. Jasper started the engine and drove to the bar. 'Would you mind explaining what is happening?' Monty asked. 'She texted me. She's threatening to kill Octavia and Raven if they don't leave now.' Clarke says. 'Jasper stop.' Monty said. 'What are you doing?' Clarke asked. 'We can't risk our whole mission on this.' Monty says. 'We can't risk their lives.' Clarke says. 'Clarke. They're trained agents. They'll make it out alive.' Monty says. 'You clearly know nothing about Lexa!' Clarke shouts. 'You seem to know too much about her Clarke! What are you hiding!' Monty shouted. 'Nothing!' Clarke shouted. 'Guys calm down.' Jasper said. Those were the last words before they heard a loud bang. The bar. She blew up the bar. 

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