BONUS CHAPTER 2: A little guilt trip

Start from the beginning

Adrian hummed absentmindedly and watched me pour a drink for him eagerly. He was making me feel uncomfortable which was something to be very suspicious about.

"There you go."

He took the glass from my grasp and frowned. "What nonsense is this, brother? No ice? It's like drinking orange juice without having any orange flavor in it."

"But I like having it without ice."

"I don't." He snapped. "Go fetch me some ice."

"You can go and get some yourself. I'm not your fucking slave." I snapped back.

Adrian closed his eyes and sighed. "Sorry. It's been a long weekend. I shouldn't have..."

"It's okay." I interrupted with an assuring smile. "I'll get some from the kitchen. Just this once."

He nodded. "Thanks."

I had already reached my door when suddenly I felt him tap on my shoulder. He puched me square on my jaw.

"Nappy time, you son of a bitch."

"Wha-" He dodged my punch and hit me again.

And the next moment, I felt him grab my head and smash against the door with a brutal force. I passed out instantly.


I should have seen this coming. Why did I not see this coming? It was stupid of me to think that my own brother, the only person I could ever put my trust on, would not turn into a traitor. Again.

I woke up with a sharp pain on the back of my head. I noticed that I was still in my office. Thank fuck. Except this time, I was sitting on the exact same chair my traitor of a brother was last seen on. My wrists were tied to the arms of the chair with thick rope.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I snapped breathlessly.

"No." Adrian answered from behind. "Ah! Good morning. Did you enjoy your nap?"

I looked outside and it was still dark as a midnight sky. "It's not morning. How long was I out?"

He walked around and sat on my chair with his feet on my desk. "Barely twenty minutes. Don't worry. I had enough time to get rid of your pocket knife and gun. No offense, Leonardo, but you are a heavy man."

"Get. Your feet. Off. My. Desk."


I groaned and struggled to get out of my binds in vain. "Will you help in getting me out of this?"

He looked at me as if I had grown two heads. "No. I tied you up. Why the hell would I remove it? I'm not stupid. Wait, no. You are officially being held hostage by me."

I eyed him dryly. "So... I have been kidnapped from my office and held hostage in my office? How sweet of you. Did you call our father to ask ransom? How much did you ask? Twenty cents? I think you should lower it a tiny bit more."

He facepalmed himself. "Do you not know how to behave while you are kept as hostage?"

"Never been one. But the experience I'm having right now is thrilling." I said flatly. "Besides, you are not being a good host."

"That's because I don't know how to be one! We both know that none of us have ever been held hostage or done a petty crime called as keeping a hostage against their will. We hire other people for that. So why don't we try it for ourselves tonight, hmm? I can assure you, brother. The experience will be thrilling."

I yawned like a cat. "If you weren't my brother, I would have considered that you were hitting on me. I can assure you that, brother. I'm straight. And so are you. Hopefully... or did you have a change of mind, Adrian?"

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