Chapter 12

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My friends have told me that their parents said to have me blocked because of the fact that I talk too much to them. I didn’t think that I was that annoying. It was true, though. I did talk to them a lot. Because of my experiences regarding that, including other experiences as well, I have changed from a girl who used to chatter to a muted swan that wouldn’t speak. Unless I had to speak or continue a conversation. I had to change myself because of others. To some people, maybe I seem too clingy and attached. Someone who always craves love and attention. I guess that would be something selfish to ask for.

Which is why, I think maybe just one day I will find someone who is like me and would understand what I needed. After all, you can’t feel or understand one’s pain or sorrow unless you yourself have been in such a state. So I stopped asking people and telling them what I go through because, very few would get me at the end of the day.

I was thinking so deeply that Luna had to call my name 3 to 4 times just to snap me out of my head.

Luna: “Hello Miss? Are you alright? Whatcha thinking about?”

Lucy: “Oh never mind that Luna. I always think of one thing or the other.”

Luna: “Hmm….well if you’re thinking about my friends meeting you, that they are gonna be like “oh my god why did you invite someone else” Nope. You don’t have to worry about that because they are super excited to meet you. In fact, they kept on asking a lot about you. Oh and also here you go, juice and about my friends, they said they would be here in about a few minutes.”

Lucy: “Oh, thank you for that. Also, I’m confused as to why your friends would be excited to meet me. I’m sorry if I sound rude, I’m just wondering.”

Luna: “Oh hush hun. No, you’re not being rude or mean. The thing is that I told them a little about you, and most of them are extroverts in the group so they are over the moon to meet someone new.”

Lucy: “Ah…I see. Well, I’m nervous to meet anyone right now and because of my past experiences, I hardly try to interact with people.”

Luna: “Hmm I get you. But then again Lucy, how long will you live in your past? Because of that, you will not meet the right people just because you meet the wrong ones.”

Lucy: “The thing is Luna when I put in so much effort for relationships, others just don’t always do the same, and after lots of effort, I tell them how much they mean to me and sharing my pain with them. Those people whom I thought would be there for me weren’t when I needed them. Of course sure, they have a life to live as well. But the words they said over and over again, that ‘you can come to me when you need to talk.’ Yet they vanished into thin air at those very moments. Also, when I would share something with them they just wouldn’t understand me at all. And even if they did, there wasn’t much they could do about it. You’re right because I met the wrong people, it doesn’t mean that I let that stop me but what can I do? When people have broken me so much that I have nothing but a shattered heart.”

Luna: “I’m so sorry to hear that Lucy. I just didn’t know that was the situation. But looking at it from your point of view, I can understand because I was in the same position as you. I won’t bore you with the details but in short, my best friend Samantha whom I would spend hours my time with, share every detail with her and there wasn’t one thing that we didn’t do with each other. Now here where it all changed when she moved to another country, she made new friends over there and didn’t give me much time anymore. That of course, made me upset, and yet, when I told her about it she got so furious at me, saying that she had better things to do in her life and she had plans with her friends, calling me selfish and an attention seeker. So the girl who held my hands for 8 years, I had to let it go and she lived her life. I didn’t make friends for the next 3 years after that. Until they showed up and saved my life. So I get you, and Lucy, I want to save you, and so do my friends.”

Lucy: “I- I’m sorry Luna I really am-“

She hugged me and patted my back.
Luna: “It’s not your fault sister. I’ve been in your shoes and I want to help you if you let me.”

Lucy: “Thank you…….Luna…I- really appreciate it.”

I got so teary and wanted to stop myself from crying but started to cry a little.

Luna: “Oh my sweet poor child. Don’t cry, you’ll ruin your sleek eyeliner. Come on now, let me show you around till they come.”

She wiped off my tears carefully and after that, we had a house tour. After a couple of minutes, we heard the doorbell ring and that’s where my heart dropped. I got so nervous that I forgot how to breathe. Luna placed her hand on my shoulder and said “You’re gonna be fine” and headed to open the door. I followed her and peeped through the door. I didn’t want to come out. But when she did open the door, they all were squealing and happy to see each other. It was such a beautiful sight to see a moment of all friends together.

?: “Hiii girl. How are you?”

Luna: “Hello girls, you all are late. We’ve been waiting for a while now.”

?: “Sorry, we really are. We realized that we didn’t get you or your new friend anything so had to take a quick detour.”

?: “Speaking of new friend, where is she?”

Luna: “Oh, she is right here- what the-- Lucy!! Where are you?”

I came out of the room and possibly looked like a nervous wreck.

Lucy: “Hello….everyone my name is Lucy…nice to meet you all.”

They all came towards me and squeezed me into a big hug.
?: “Finally we meet you~ Luna talks a lot about you.”

That type of warmth was something that I hadn’t felt in such a long time……

Note from Author

So Hiii guys what do you think about the story so far? Please do comment and let me know what you think about it I love to hear what you have to say. Also, please share the story with your friends and people around you if you like it. Don’t forget to vote for my story as well, as it helps me a lot. Thank you so much to all of my readers. I really appreciate it a lot

Have a good day or good night wherever you are. And don’t forget to be who you want to be.

The Broken Girl (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora