Chapter 11

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I was thinking to myself, I have annoyed my mom enough and I thought I would make myself a fruit salad. Better to have a healthy breakfast in the morning. It wouldn’t be too surprising if, while I was cutting the fruits, I’d get a cut during the process. And then it hit me that I was supposed tell Luna my answer about coming. Which I hadn’t thought of yet.

I’m the type of person who really can’t say no easily. But then again, I was worried that what if, I come in between Luna and her friends. I mean, they must have been friends for a long time, right? What if I become a third wheel for them? Or something. And I didn’t want to ruin their fun.

But I’m sure it would upset Luna if I wasn’t there because she took the consideration of inviting me. So it wouldn’t be polite not to go. After wrecking my brain a little, I decided that I’d go. Just to experience how it would go, since it had been a long time. I texted Luna to let her know I was coming.

From the text message, she seemed so delighted that I was coming and I didn’t know what all was in store for me, but I thought I’d just go anyway. It’s been a while since I had gone for shopping for some new clothing, so I thought, why not get myself a new outfit for this occasion?

Since it was just a get-together for all friends, I hoped that I wouldn’t go overboard. Because sometimes, that tends to happen with me. Dressing up is my thing when going out and when I was living with my family, my mother would sometimes tell me that I was going way too over and that I should change to something simpler. Majority of the time I would dress up as if we were going to a party but I looked like we were going to a wedding or something. So I had to keep that in mind when I was going to shop.

I didn’t have an idea of what exactly I was looking for. Maybe just by seeing something I might think that would be the one to wear. Seeing and searching everywhere I found this really cute long t-shirt which said “Smile more. It looks good on you” and also got some navy blue jeans to go with it. I already have the jewellery for it at home so I didn’t need to buy any.

After I was finished with shopping, I was wondering if going there, I’d be super awkward with her friends. Socializing was my thing, but I wasn’t sure if it was anymore. Needleless to say, maybe I’ll just sit in the corner and listen to what they say. People then would often question, why I wasn’t saying anything. For me, coming in between a conversation sometimes isn’t possible, because they are already speaking.

I just sat and googled some questions I would ask so that things wouldn’t get too awkward while I was there. The conversation does tend to get a flow if both the people talking say something and move along with it instead of just one person.  To be honest, when I was younger, maybe in 2nd grade I wasn’t as sociable with people. I guess it wasn’t until 8th or 10th grade that I went out more and talked to people. My advice for people would be, is to get out of their comfort zone and also as the saying goes, “Practice makes perfect”. Talking to just one person isn’t going to get you anywhere. Talking to multiple people and taking chances in your life gets you somewhere.

Because I stopped interacting with people, I wasn’t sure if I still had it in me. I was of course, trying my way of practicing. Sitting in front of the mirror and talking to myself. Hopefully that helps me for today. I hadn’t noticed that practicing took so long, I only had an hour till I got ready. And for people who think it takes girls 3 hours to get ready, for some it doesn’t.

Because I don’t have to put that type of makeup. For me, my makeup is to put eyeliner and lipstick. After I got ready, I thought to myself, “Shoot, I can’t go to her house empty-handed, mother has raised you better than that”. So I hopped in my car and drove to the nearest bakery. The fact that when you have so many options, you can go crazy on what to buy. Which is why I narrowed down my options so that it would be easier for me.

I decided to get a triple chocolate cake because everyone likes chocolate, so why not? So cake was off the list as well. The only thing left was getting myself to her house. Luckily I arrived just on time. I rang the doorbell and waited for the door to open. I was so nervous. And when the door opened, it was Luna.

Luna: “Hi Lucy! So glad you could make it.”

She hugged me as she said that.

Lucy: “Hi Luna. Thank you for inviting me. Here is a little something for you.”

Luna: “Girl, you shouldn’t have oh my god. But still thank you and anyway, come in please.”

Each step I took, I was feeling this boulder of anxiety on me. My feet weren’t able to move and I wanted to freeze. But of course, I had to move.

Luna: “You can relax Lucy, my friends are super nice.”

Lucy: “You know, it’s been a long time since I went out like this.”

Luna: “Oh, I understand. But don’t worry, I’m not leaving you alone so you’re stuck with me.”

Lucy: “I don’t mind that at all.”

Luna: “Also you’re the first one to arrive. I wonder where the rest of them are. Let me go call them and get you a glass of juice. Stay right here.”

Lucy: “But-“

Luna: “I’ll be right back.”

Sitting down and looking around her house, it reminded me of something. A time that I was invited to a dinner gathering but of course, with my family. And had met a girl there and I think at the time, there wasn’t anyone my age. However she was older than me, but still we got along so well. I even asked for her number and we did chat later on. She was actually just visiting at the time and would be going back to her home country later. So I kept in contact with her.

Because she wasn’t replying to my texts, I think at the time I was concerned of why she hadn’t been. After so many calls and texts, I think I did receive a message from her and that was it. The text had said that she was in class or something and after that I tried to contact her but got blocked from her. And so after that, I never saw or met her again. Either my concern for people is too much, or that people just don’t like me at all.

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