Chapter 7

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? : “Hello?”

Lucy: “Hi Blair. How are you?”

Blair: “Ohhh Lucy is that you? It’s been a while. I have been better. How are you?

Lucy: “I’m fine, thank you. I heard about your aunt who passed away. I am so sorry for your loss.”

Blair: “Ahh yeah. It was just beyond upsetting for me. I lost her and my grandfather as well not too long ago.”

Lucy: “I really am sorry and I hope that you will get well soon. If there is anything I can help you with, please let me know.”

Blair: “Thank you for your concern and care. It is highly appreciated.”

Lucy: “It’s my absolute pleasure and I am always happy to help.”
After a little chat with her, I had hoped that for that moment she would have a little life in her. It’s not easy losing so many people at once and coping up with the situation.

These days, I had been interacting with a lot of people which made me feel weird but in a good way. But I knew it wouldn’t last for too long and eventually all would go in vain. What was scaring me the most which was that, since I had been talking to some people from my past, what about those who caused me great pain?

I don’t even want to go near them. It’s because of them that I can’t have a peaceful life today. Because I am dealing with it on my own, it’s even more difficult for me. Telling my family is out of the option and I don’t have such close friends to tell anything to either.

To add to all that, I have decided, from here on out, that I wouldn’t ever get close to people after what happened last time. It’s just that healing takes a lot of time and I am not in any mental state to handle more than this.

When will this eternal sadness of mine go away? What should I do to make myself happy again? Giving out my heart and trust again, it’s just too difficult and I don’t want to take that kind of risk anymore. 

It had been a few days since this incident and I couldn’t stop thinking about them no matter what I tried to do. To continue living, after someone you love is gone from your life is beyond painful.

I just sighed and knew there was nothing much I could do for them, no matter what I did. I think only time can help them. It’s a very slow healing process and it’s different for everyone.

I was watching TV when my phone rang and got a call from my mom which I wasn’t really expecting. Because I had already talked with her just that morning.

She called to inform me that some guests came over. They wanted to meet me but I wasn’t really in the mood to go but had no choice but to do so.

I changed into something modest and made myself look like as if I wasn’t such a hot mess daily. It got me thinking, that mom never told me who the guests were. Even when I asked she just said that they were someone who wanted to meet me.

Who on earth would those people be? Even while driving all the way home, I couldn’t stop thinking about it.

Eventually when I reached home, my mind was in deep confusion. Why out of all the people on this planet, was my mother’s friend and her family here to meet me?

To be really honest, I didn’t have such a good relationship with them. I didn’t like their personality and the attitude her children gave. One of them was around my age who was engaged and the last time I met her, oh my god. She gave this look and attitude and I just tried to be polite as possible.

Aunt: “Helloo Lucy! It’s been so long has it not?”

Certainly right now would be a good time for me to just disappear off the face of this cruel world.

Lucy: “Hello, aunt. Yes, it has been a lot of time.”

I just sat there like some sort of doll would. I didn’t want to interrupt anything. Nor did I have much to say. Only when they asked me something I would reply to them.

I just wanted to get of there at the speed of light because I just didn’t feel comfortable. When mom was getting the food ready from the kitchen, I was left with them and although I wanted to go in the kitchen and help, leaving them alone just wasn’t right.

They just asked me what I had been up to these days and how everything was. During lunch time, it was a casual and simple one, everything was perfectly fine. Until what happened next, that triggered my whole system.

Aunt: “So, when will she get married? You know times are coming and the age is just right.”

Mother: “Ohhh well she said that she didn’t want that yet.”

Aunt: “But why not Lucy? You shouldn’t wait that long you know.”

Lucy: “Aunt, there are much more things in life than just marriage. You are a working woman yourself so you should know about that.”

Friend: “But getting married is also important in life. Normally, girls get married at a very young age. And you can work after marriage. Also why didn’t you become a doctor or an engineer? You know those are very high paying jobs.”

Lucy: “Girls aren’t just born to become doctors and engineers just so they get married off and not work later on. Sometimes the husband doesn’t allow that. We have dreams that we want to accomplish. I want to find a man who will be understand me for who I am.”

Right now I was just fuming with rage and controlling my anger was difficult for me. Am I bothering her by not getting married to someone? Was this the reason she wanted to see? Just to ask me that?

Just because her daughter is engaged, doesn’t mean it’s my turn and it shouldn’t be any of her business to poke her nose here. And to become a doctor and a what?! Are we still living in the 20th country or something? That there aren’t other professions than any of those?

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