Chapter 1

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The Day My Life Turned Upside Down

Hi, I'm Percy Jackson.

Not Perseus. Na-ah.

Only those who want to kill me, call me that.

Of course, like 50% (or more, probably more) of the mythological world want me dead soooo...

Yeah, you read that right, The Mythological World.

It's great. Totally Amazing. Yeah, awesome. Totally don't spend most of my time fearing for my life.

Note the sarcasm.

For those who don't know my story, I'm a demigod, Son of Poseidon. Y'know Lord of the sea? Earth shaker? God of the Ocean? One of the Big Three? Father of Horses? Pegasi? Triton?

If you don't know who and what I'm talking about, you should probably put this book down, and pick up Mythology: Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes by Edith Hamilton. That'll tell you everything you need to know, hopefully.

Of course, it won't tell you how to not die, or survive, or kill monsters, but it will help.

I'm getting off topic. I'm what some may call, a hero - I've saved the world a few times, killed a bunch of monsters and failed a load of exams.

Especially the last part, done plenty of that.

Which is partly how I achieved my greatest accomplishment - Being called a Seaweed Brain. And if you do know my story (Stalker) you'll know who labelled me this.

The best person out there.

Drum roll, please.

Annabeth Chase!

My very own girlfriend, the love of my life, my soulmate, my Wise Girl.

I imagine she'd tell me to stop (blue) waffling and get on with the story.

And I shall do just that.


What happened again?

Oh yeah, I know.

Well, you see, It all started one peaceful day....

Who am I kidding?

It's never peaceful for a demigod.

However, this day was particularly eventful.

It was just two months after the war against Bad ol' Gaea, and guess who decided to make a crazy dramatic entrance to camp?

The one and only Leo McSchizzle Bad Boy Supreme Valdez!

And, Calypso, awk-ward.

So, we did the only thing a bunch of amazing Half-bloods would do - We formed a line and took turns punching and hugging the no-longer-missing member of The Seven. Then, we gathered round the brightly lit Campfire and sang till our voices gave out. And once they did so, we went off to sleep.

Now I guess you're wondering why this was so important.

It wasn't.

Well It was, actually, as it led to the following events.

Namely - A quest.

We all know, this is where everything goes wrong. And, if you don't, you better learn quick.

Chiron had issued a mission to return a stolen or (most likely) lost item. Which, of course, belonged to the Gods.

You'd think that we (Us demigods) Had retrieved every possible object, of importance but noooooo, the gods had to be irresponsible.

Going on said quest were: Leo, Annabeth and a satyr named Flint.

Everything was going dandy until they reached the forest, at least that's what Flint claimed. Supposedly, it was called the Forbidden Forest, and the thing the trio was looking for was in there.

Now, it's probably a good time to back up and explain what they were looking for.

It was...

A Stone.

You read that right, a stone.

But not just any stone. The resurrection Stone.

Which, if I'm right, was Thanatos'. Something to do with three mortals and gifts, I'm not quite sure. I'd heard rumours about it resurrecting the dead, which would make sense due to its name.

As you can probably imagine, it was going to be rather difficult to find one incy wincy stone in the midst of a thousand, probably more.

However, they persevered, and eventually found it.

That's when danger struck.

Flint claimed that it was a whole army of 150 very hungry monsters. That was bad, very bad, but that's what demigods are used to.

Now, three delicious demi-gods against so many monsters? The chances of winning are slim, but still big enough for it to be worth it.

So they fought as best as they could.

Flint grew vines, as he played music on his reed pipes, making them wrap around monsters, either trapping them and allowing the others to kill them, or simply strangling them. Some were highly itchy which made death extremely uncomfortable for the insufferable beasts.


Serves them right!

Leo burst into flames and ran through the crowd, chucking random things he had pulled out of his toolbelt at the monsters. Occasionally, he would throw fireballs, which sometimes hit their target other times - they didn't. I'm sure the nymphs weren't exactly happy about this, but they were also too scared to say (or do) anything about it.

Annabeth charged through the army slicing and stabbing with her drakon-bone sword as she yelled a battle cry. She was a whirlwind of blonde, orange and white as she skilfully killed monster after monster. She was terrifying, but that's nothing new.

As Flint was taking this in, he had not realized that an empousa had snuck up on him. So while Annabeth was a meter away and Leo three, he was undefended.

Until Annabeth saved him.

By leaping in front of him.

Flint quickly spun around as he heard a pained gasp. It's safe to say he was not expecting to see what he did - a bloody Annabeth with a celestial bronze dagger sticking out of her abdomen and a pile of gold dust in front of her.

With her final few breaths she uttered:

"Tell Percy I l-love-" she broke off in a coughing fit "T-Tell Percy I-I love him. Tell h-him to be-" Another round of weak coughing. "The seaweed-d brain I al-lways have and w-will love. Make s-sure he lives a long life... A-and protects e-everyone to th-the best of his... abilities."

With that, my soulmate passed away.

Not willing to let my Wise Girl die in vain, Flint and Leo fought off the rest of the monsters and completed their quest.

And that is how 12 days after returning, Leo flew back to camp with a limp body in his hands. The limp body of a great hero.

The events after this were a blur, and I remembered very little.

We had Annabeth's funeral, I moped around and Athena cried.

It wasn't till two months later that I finally decided to get myself together and fulfil Annabeth's dying wish.

Words: 1073

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