14-Killed myself.

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My world not only crashed down but broke into pieces. I felt numb all over, tears flowing like a river. It was him.

Taehyung lying with blood all over his body.

His eyes were tightly shut. His white shirt which he mentioned so many times that he would wear on my birthday. It held stains of blood, the red liquid dripping down from his hands and pooling just below.

I knelt down beside him. No, I didn't scream, I didn't shake him so that he would wake up. But somewhere my heart told me, it wasn't him. Not the Kim Taehyung I fell in love with.

"Why are you all crying?"

Everyone turned to look at me, surprised.

"This isn't him. This is not Kim Taehyung." I tried to convince them, because my Taehyung would never ever leave me like he said. How could the love of my life die? How could the boy lying lifeless infront me be the same boy who was the mood maker and the most cheerful of all?

"Y/N." Namjoon oppa sat beside me, his eyes brimming with tears. I knew this was it. When he cried, that was it. Namjoon oppa was always the one who gave us hope whenever the others gave up, he was always the one who believed in everything but despair. But to see him so broken, so vurnerable made me uncertain. Was it really him?

"He's dying Y/N." His finger pointing to Taehyung chest which was slightly rising and falling. I wobbled to him, clutching onto his shirt. He was breathing but unevenly. I wrapped my hands around him, putting my ear on his chest to feel his heart beating the slowest. My tears were spilling, how was I supposed to still have hope when he was DYING?

"Tae...." A helpless cry came out of mouth ,holding him tightly.

"M-Muffin." His words came out like a mere whisper but I could hear it. I could even hear his heart which was on the verge of stopping.

"Yes Tae?" I held his hand in a tight grip. Unlike my voice which I laced with firmness only to make him feel that I didn't break down as his eyes were closed, my insides were breaking down with every passing moment. My hands itched to caress his face to make sure he would be all okay but I knew I couldn't.

"Muffin, I want you t-to find s-someone who'll love y-you. M-more than me. Who'll be with y-you. P-promise me muf-......"

With that, he left me.


The mournings around me increased, Namjoon oppa thumped down his head on the floor. I wasn't feeling myself. I felt so unusual, knowing that the heart which Taehyung told beated every time for me was no longer beating. He looked so peaceful amidst the blood which covered up his whole body.
Every time he slept I disturbed him because I felt bored whenever he drifted off to dreamland but now. Will I be able to wake him up?Ever? Won't I be bored for my entire life?

My eyes diverted to the surroundings. My parents were sobbing, his mom had long ago fainted. The others threw pitiful glances at me.

"W-Where are they?" My question received oppa's attention, his red eyes staring straight into mine.

"Jeon's house".

I ran off with my unstable legs to the next house. I knew to first witness his death and now running off to see them would only worsen my pain. But I chose pain all the way.

The door was open and there were so many people crowded at the entrance. They looked at me with some sort of disgust because my white dress was wrapped with his red blood.

Oh, how well does red go with white!

But they were the least of my interest. All is wanted to see was all of them, sitting and chatting and when I reach to them, they would say it was all a prank. But fate planned something else.

You'll always stay with me, RIGHT??Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora