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When you love someone, you feel alive. There's a spark which makes you livelier, more you.

Taehyung came into my life. He brought colours, painted me with so much happiness. At times I felt, my life was him. He was my everything, my everyday.

What happens when you world crumbles infront of your eyes?

Some people prefer to stay back with the past and ache for the ones gone.

But some gradually learn to move on. No matter how much it hurts, they walk along the present.

You miss them, you miss them to such an extent where you feel like giving up and running back to the past. To hug the ones gone one last time, to tell them if there was anything to say. Then again you feel going forward, for the gone won't be happy seeing you devastated. You heart aches with every single step, not to forget but to go ahead in life. Not to grab onto the past but to let the fresh breeze make you yourself again. It becomes difficult at times, for the lost ones are the ones we love and live for but at the end, you might be strong enough to not wander back but to take every step with pride.

I didn't know which one was me. But after Jimin came along my life, I was the latter---moving on keeping, Taehyung in my heart.

It was morning. You were peacefully cuddled up in Jimin's chest, feeling heaven. Jimin felt it too, holding you close to himself. He was smiling, admiring you with love-sick eyes. Anybody could say he was madly admiring you and he wasn't ashamed to admit it either. What's wrong in admiring your world? Your universe?

You shuffle a bit, still not moving an inch away from your husband. Your movements cause some stray strands of hair to fall on your face. Jimin's finger automatically reach upto your soft face, removing the strands which stood like a barrier to your angelic beauty to him. He smiles.

To be able to hold the woman he loves dearly in his arms. To watch how each and everytime her slight snores makes her look adorable. To see through her body, to notice her pure soul.

You dreamt of him. Taehyung. The warmth you were provided with made you feel he was tightly holding you in his chest. Like he used to. For a moment you forgot he was gone, you felt he was right there beside you, holding his world in his arms.

"Taehyung." You mumble in your sleep.

He gets shocked. Who was Taehyung? Was it your cousin or brother? But he doesn't remember meeting or hearing about any Taehyung guy. He starts making assumptions. Assumptions which disturb him mentally.

Were you by chance........... cheating on him?

His heart clenches. Jimin tries to connect dots. How you weren't so content getting married to him, how you always seem thinking. Specifically about someone. How you didn't reciprocate his feelings. Was he so dense not to notice how his wife was different from the start?

He moves away. Jimin sits straight in his bed. He knew it. He knew that anybody he loves, always grasped away from his hold. Like fate had meant to snatch away everything he feels love with. His mom, his friends and now you. He feels himself getting teary, which he quickly wipes. Jimin takes one last look at you and gets off the bed. He rushes to the bathroom, for seeing you would pain him more and more.

Jimin quickly slammes the door, breathing heavily. But he couldn't be so sure. Until he had some evidence which would prove it, he couldn't just sit back and cry in grief. Even if you loved someone else, he had no rights to stop you. He knew how much love means to a person, him being a human, he could never prevent you from wanting someone else.

Sometimes love means letting go.


Your parents had left early in the morning. You were currently getting ready for office. Today was a bit unusual. Everyday, Jimin would greet you with a goodmorning wish, a wide smile and would seem happy. But today, he seemed gloomy. He didn't wish you neither did he gave you a heartwarming smile. You thought it might have been a bad start off the day and let it go. But what astonished you was that he still wasn't talking to you and he didn't even call you for breakfast. When you came downstairs, you found him gone and the Jimin's plate finished. You needed to talk to him once he was back.

You'll always stay with me, RIGHT??Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum