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#StopAsianHate 🙁

Hey guys! We're wrapping up. I'm doing 2 parts. Should have the last part up before the weekend is over.

Here's the question I'm posing cause I'm genuinely curious. Be honest na. Okay?

What do you think about cheating? Is it a deal breaker for you? Would it be different if you were just dating and not married or no? Let's chat.

Enjoy the chapter and excuse any mistakes.

Seven Years Later...

Lela's POV

Lela's POV

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(@ Alissa.Ashley (Lena) and Arnell.Armon (Lela), 24)

"Oh wait. My man is coming out." I quickly put my phone down and stood up to yell his name but I was beaten to it.

"Melo!" His dad, LaVar, yelled his name. I looked up at this man with a mug. I wanted to be first.

I looked back towards LaMelo and smiled when he waved at me and touched his heart. Awww he's so cute.

I sat back down with a huge smile on my face and blushing. Your favorite twin finally has a boyfriend. My first one! Probably my last. We've been together for two years now.

I met LaMelo about three years ago. We instantly became friends and from there it turned into a relationship and I've been happy ever since.

He treats me like a princess. Always thinking about me when he's away and ugh. He makes me happy.

"Damn. Your cheeks don't hurt? All that damn smiling you doing over there." Lena playfully rolled her eyes.

"Don't be a hater. Single bitches, I swear." I joked and she pushed me.

Not too much has happened with me in the last seven years. I graduated college last year, since I took a break after high school, and now I work full time as a teacher.

As I was in school, my love for helping and teaching grew so I majored in elementary math and now I'm a math teacher to my badass high school juniors as I call them.

How did I end up teaching some high schoolers when I majored in elementary? It was available when I was looking for a job, I got it and now here I am.

I love it though. We're close in age so it's laid back for the most part and I can cuss them out when they getting on my nerves. It's a win, win.

Well besides them having phones and being nosey as hell when it comes to my love life. Especially the girls. They want to know everything. Drooling over my man.

Other than that, it's my first year officially teaching and it's been good thus far. I absolutely love what I do and my kids. They teach me something new everyday.

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