Seventy Four.

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Hey guys. How are you? Hope everyone is good.

I really wish I could get these chapters out faster man. I really be trying. I wish this was my only job and obligation to be honest. I love writing chapter for y'all and myself

Enjoy and excuse any mistakes

Kaiden's POV

Serena and I laughed while sitting at lunch together. I missed my friend. Y'all know we were like white on rice back in the day.

"So what are you doing for your birthday?" I asked her.

"I don't know yet. I want to go on a trip. I'm leaving my teens so I gotta bring it in right. What did you do for yours?"

"Spent time with my baby. That's all I wanted to do really." I shrugged.

"You're really a dad out here. That's crazy but you're doing a good job bubby. She seems so happy and loves being around you."

"Well shit that's how I feel around her. My life wasn't trash before her but it definitely got a whole lot better after her."

She smiled while looking at me. "But I got a burning question." I sat up to ask her and she waited for me to speak. "You really had Amiah in high school?"

She nodded while taking a sip of her drink. "Yep. My dad was pissed beyond words. You know how he is." I nodded cause I could only imagine. "I was strongly considering abortion. I was scared as hell."

"Understandable. What made you change your mind?"

"I just couldn't do it. I'm not against abortion. Sometimes shit just happens and you gotta do what you gotta do but I couldn't go through with it. I wanted my baby and I'm so glad she's here. She's like my little best friend."

"Bruh same. Addison is my ride or die. She always on go for me and it don't matter who it is."

Before we could say anything else I looked up to see Angel coming in. She looked around and caught eyes with me. I waved her over.

"Who you-" Rena turned around to see who I was talking to and stopped talking. "Really Kaiden?" She looked at me like I was crazy.

"I know. I'll explain. This is all for a reason."

When Angel got closer she saw someone else was at the table with me. I got up before she could walk away.

"Come sit down. Please." I gently grabbed her arm and looked down at her. She was reluctant but she took a seat.

Yes I set them up. I think the three of us need to have a conversation. This probably looks like some sister wives, main chick, side chick shit but it's not like that. There's a method to my madness.

"Hello Serena." Angel said after sitting down.

"Hi." She said it so awkward but I could tell her guard is up and is prepared for anything to jump off.

That day after my game and Rena came over really....I don't want to say shocked me but it did throw me for a loop.

Her and her dude breaking up was news to me and her jumping in my lap was shocking as hell. It threw me off because it was so random.

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