
Start from the beginning

Hua Cheng picked up Wei Ying and both of them looked at Xie Lian with puppy eyes. Xie Lian was showered with kisses from both sides that he finally admited defeat and laughed. He hugged both of them back and said

"I forgive both babies. "

"My Ā-niáng is kindest and most beautiful."

"Alright! Stop it A-Ying. "

"Now we can go sword fight."

Wei Ying sequeled as he cut the air with his little wooden sword. Xie Lian and Hua Cheng also took out their wooden short sword and the three of them walked to the opening in front of Paradise Manor.

As they were taking their stances, Wei Ying pointed his sword at his parents and said.

"Tickling me is strictly against rules. "

"A-Ying we need to have our fun too."

Xie Lian said smiling at his son who had his master piece pouting face that must be made illegal. Hua Cheng huffed and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Supreme Ghost Kings don't follow rules set by toddlers. "

Wei Ying pouted at his parents and mumbled "I'm eight". He then suddenly smiled mischievously and said, crossing his arms over his chest just like his A-Diē did.

"If you don't play by the rules I will go practice with Feng Jiujiu and Qing Jiujiu. Hehe. "

"Ok ok. We promise to play by the rules"

Xie Lian said quickly not wanting his son to run away to the Heavenly Court once again for the third time this week. Although some of the Heaven Officials were very skeptical about them adopting Wei Ying, everything worked out in the end. Now they could not even think of a life without Wei Ying. All of them without exception had accepted Wei Ying as their nephew. Prince Wei, the Prince of three realms is what they call Wei Ying.


Hua Cheng said as the three started thier sword fighting. Wei Ying fought  with grace and ferocity, a perfect combination of his parent's fighting style. Of course they had kept their promise and taught Wei Ying how to fight.

Xie Lian was sitting with an open letter in front of him, his chin propped up on his hands. Wei Ying had gone to the Ghost City with his Yin shushu, probably to try some exotic spicy food. Hua Cheng placed a hand on his husband's shoulder and asked.

"What does Jiang Fengmian say?"

"He wrote that Madam Yu will leave Lotus Pier and won't be back till next week. "

"So we will take A-Ying tomorrow?"

A few weeks back they had written to Sect Leader Jiang informing about their wish to let "Our son meet his Uncle Jiang". Jiang Fengmian was the only person who knew Wei Ying's parents, Xie Lian and Hua Cheng thought that it would be better for Wei Ying to know more about them.

Now Jiang Fengmian had agreed to their request and had invited them to Lotus Pier. He had also written about making Wei Ying a guest disciple of Yunmeng Jiang Sect if Wei Ying wished to be part of the cultivation world.

In the evening when Wei Ying came back home, his father told him to pack his bag for a trip to Lotus Pier. Wei Ying knew that his biological father was from Yunmeng sect. Xie Lian and Hua Cheng had told Wei Ying everything that they knew about his parents and given the things they found on their old house. Wei Ying was really happy to finally see his Jiang Shushu and more importantly his Shidi and Shijie.

"A-Ying did you pack everything you need? "

"I did. I can't wait to be tomorrow."

Wei Ying said excitedly with a mouthful of rice. Hua Cheng passed him some water and Wei Ying drank it. Xie Lian held his son's hand and said.

"Now Baby, remember what we said, you can't talk to anyone about us."

"I know. I know. "

Wei Ying said nodding his head. Hua Cheng looked at his son, who was so excited to visit Lotus Pier. He repeated the next day's plan.

"We will take you to Sect Leader Jiang tomorrow and he will take care of you for the week. "

"And we will pick you up at the end of the week"

Xie Lian said quickly. They had not told Wei Ying about what they heard three years back, about all those rumours. The thought of Yu Ziyuan or anyone else hurting Wei Ying while he was in Lotus Pier was worrying him. Wei Ying looked at his both his fathers and said.

"You have said this a hundred times. "

"Baby, if you want to come home early or you really miss us, just roll the dice and San Lang will be right there. "

Xie Lian said not feeling reassured sending his son away. Wei Ying stopped eating he placed his chopsticks down and crosses his arms. He pouted and said.

"Hey both of you. I will be back in a week and I promise I won't make any trouble for them."

"Then eat more."

Xie Lian said smiling at his son not wanting to ruin Wei Ying's excitement. He looked at his husband and saw that he was worried too. They could not help but be worried even though they knew Yu Ziyuan would not be there. It was not the first time Wei Ying had stayed away from them but this certainly was the longest.

"Baby promise me you will take care of yourself. "

Xie Lian said remembering that there would be so many strangers at Lotus Pier. He became more anxious at the thought of all the lakes in Lotus Pier 'But he doesn't know how to swim.' Wei Ying look at his Baba's worried expression and asked.

"Are you hiding something from me? "

𝙋𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙚 𝙒𝙚𝙞 ( This Author Is Going For A Short Break. Wait For 13yrs.) Where stories live. Discover now