Ch.2 Finding out (Past p2)

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!TW!: Desth, light panic attack.

Also this is only rush proofread.

(Posted March 22, 2021)
(edited Oct 26, 2021)

It was maybe around 7-ish minutes after Isabella took Hayato out to meet his new family. Hotaru suddenly got up and started walking towards the door.

"Where are you going?"(to either get ice cream or commit a Felony) Izu called after Horu.

"I'm going to say one last goodbye before he's officially gone, I might regret it if I don't." Horu responded detirmined, "plus I have a bad feeling. What if his new parents aren't good people!?" They thought out loud worriedly.

"It could just be nothing! But they're probably already at or past the gate and mom's always said-"

"Never go past the gate.' I know." She cut Itsu off, "But I have to go, even if we get scolded worse than we're running around barefoot and trekking mud inside." Horu said already putting her outside shoes on.

"Okay, then we'll go with you!" Izu finally agreed.

"But- ...ok fiinneee" Itsu signed knowing he won't change their mind even if he tried, plus he also wanted to see Hayato again, "you guys are gonna be the reason I die young.." he muttered under his breath jogging after the twins who were already out the door. "Can't you at least wait!!" He shouted lightly, still trying to catch up.


The trio walked through the darkness toward the gate, with only the moon and stars lighting their path. They decided not to just shout out "Hayato!" Because obviously they don't want to get caught early and get turned back. Why they were the stupid main characters in a horror story, I have no idea, but they went anyway.

All their movements suddenly paused their movements as terrified voice yelled, "Oh my... WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!?" Which sounded oddly like.....

"Hayato!?" Horu whisper shouted to the other two, terrified of what their usually happy friend was so afraid of.

They started running over to the gate where the shout came from. "Maybe the family just has a scary big dog?" Itsu whispered hopefully, trying to lighten up the tense mood.

They all read a book about different pets and the book happened to have pictures in it. They saw one of the pets most people seemed to have was a dog, they also found another book with different dog breeds, those pictures were ripped out though and on the descriptions were there, at the time they all thought maybe someone Really liked the pictures and kept them for themself.

Once arrived at the gate they made sure to stay hidden since they were una where if the situation. They then saw this huge Montser thing with sharp nails and a mask that covered it's whole face except for 2 of its eyes. It towered over them in height. And for the cherry on top it had two horns on its head like some sort of demon.

Horu's breath hitched as she saw the monster thing aiming to put a flower with a stem as sharp as a knife into Hayato' chest

Just as the demon monster stabbed Hayato with the flower stem, an ear-piercing scream rung out as he got stabbed in the chest, his last words left unheard. They just witnessed him die.

"N-!!!" Izu covered Horu's mouth before they blew their cover.

"Shhhhh! Or we'll be next!" He whisper scolded. They all bolted out of there once the demon thing pointed out the sound and started searching for the source. The boys helping Horu since she wasn't in the right mind set, well, none of them were.

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