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Just before Yuki could sit on the bike she tapped Jungkook's shoulder, "Are you sure you should be driving? Didn't you drink?" Jungkook smiled at her softly.

"The only alcohol I had was at your place. Don't worry we're good to go."

Relieved, Yuki climbed onto the bike and held onto Jungkook. Once they'd hit the road, it occurred to Yuki that she didn't know where they were going. She decided to not pay it any attention because trusted that wherever Jungkook took them would be fun. She let the wind comb through her hair and energize her while she simultaneously took in as much of Jungkook's heat and scent as she could. She quickly realized where they were going when she saw civilization turn green.

She felt the largest smile she'd ever smiled form on her face. Once they'd reached outside the woods, Jungkook killed the engine, got off the bike, and helped Yuki off as well. They walked into the forest hand in hand. Yuki told herself that they did that because she was tipsy and needed support to walk.

They reached the clearing in a couple of minutes and Yuki had to stop in her tracks and simply admire the view. The mood was out completely, casting a beautiful glow upon the lake. The bushes and grass looked as if they were dancing. The place screamed happiness and serotonin.

Yuki took a deep breath, savoring the freshness of the air. Jungkook eventually tugged her arm and led her to the patch of grass where they last sat. They both sat down and stared at the sky. The city lights didn't reach this place so they could see the stars clearly. Yuki pointed her finger towards a cluster of stars.

"Look, there's Orion!" She exclaimed. Jungkook turned his head to look at her. Feeling his eyes on her, she turned to look at him too.

Jungkook's hand found Yuki's face once again. She nuzzled into his warmth palm. She looked into his eyes and saw so much emotion. She wanted to reach out and help him, but she didn't know how to without hurting herself.

"Why do you push me away so much?" Jungkook finally asked. The pain in his voice broke Yuki's heart.

"I-I don't Jungkook. I guess I just really hated you growing up and it got hard for me to believe you could change. Obviously, I can see that you have, but sometimes, it gets hard for me to believe." Jungkook pulled her head closer to his until their foreheads were touching and their lips were a breath away.

"Yuki?" Jungkook called out to her. Yuki felt something in her chest tighten and she felt her throat close up. It felt so good to hear him call her by her name.

"Y-Yes Jungkook?" She replied through teary eyes.

"Will you please give me a chance?" Jungkook asked with all sincerity, "I promise that I have changed. I promise to show you every day that I have changed. I'll do whatever it takes. I just want to have you by my side, always." Jungkook's voice cracked towards the end. Yuki felt her tears flow freely down her cheeks.

"Okay Jungkook, okay."

Just like that, Jungkook pulled her closer until his lips were against hers. They were everything she imagined and more. They were so soft and the way he kissed her left her wanting so much more. He kissed her like he needed to in order to breathe.

What about Jeon Jungkook that wasn't addictive?

They spent the rest of the night kissing under the stars and making up for the lost time. Jungkook refused to let go of Yuki; he kept her in his arms until she went home, and even there, he held her as she slept. Nothing in the world would compare to that one experience although they swore to create many more such memories together for as long as they could.

They were, after all, fated to be together.

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