Speechless, Orange squeezes me into a tight hug. Sometimes actions are better than words.
"I'll take that as a yes then" I laugh.

"Yup" he shakily replies. After a pause, he suddenly steps backwards. "B-But I can't... I don't wanna ruin things for you."

What the hell is he talking about? "What do you mean?"

He sighs before replying, "You have a family - what about... I mean, Rose, don't you have a wi-"

"No" I laugh, before gulping, I quietly add "never been in a relationship before"
Hopefully he doesn't think I'm weird.

"Oh, so, Rose? Is she..."

So he doesn't think I'm a freak. "Rose was... I really wanted a child so... she's from a surrogate"
Wait... what about Peach?

As if he had read my mind, he confesses "Peach is, uh, adopted"

"Oh" I say, a bit surprised to be honest. "Does she-"

Orange quickly shakes his head. "I had her since she was a month old. She doesn't know."

"Okay" well it was nice to know I had Orange to myself now.

"So it's okay" he sounds relieved.

I pull him back into a hug. "All mine" I tease.

He giggles adorably and we sit down on the bed, facing each other. As I remove my helmet, Orange asks me what my real name is. We're not supposed to use our real names, only our code names, the colours of our spacesuits.

"Angelo" I reply without a second hesitation. "Yours?"

"Aiden" he replies, "meaning fire"

"Nice," I laugh, "matches your suit."

Aiden then pulls off his helmet, carefully placing it into the floor without a sound. "Thanks. And from now on I get to call you angel."

"Oh really?" I joke, tickling his sides until I could pin him down. "Really, you think I'm an angel?"

By now he's probably finding it hard to breathe, so I stop to let him answer. "Okay you win"

"Good" I smile, lying down too so that our faces were just inches apart.

"Hey, Angel?"


"You know, about Lime earlier..." he asks, seeming a bit nervous.

"Ugh, what about that idiot?" I groan

Aiden avoided eye contact as he quietly suggested "Well... maybe you don't have to be so mean to him... just a thought, ya know?"

"I mean..." I sigh, using two fingers to gently tilt Aiden's chin up so his amber eyes were once again gazing into mine. I didn't want to be nice to Lime, even the thought of it was almost enough to make me vomit. I don't feel stuff like guilt. Emotions make you weak. However... there's just something special about Orange. "Sure. Anything for you."

He smiles before yawning loudly. "Hey, when is the last time you actually slept?" I ask, now a hint of seriousness in my voice.

"Uhh..." he mumbles, "I don't even remember-"

"Well you look tired" I confirm, sliding closer to him. "You need to get rest. Sleeeep."

"Why do you worry about me so much?" Orange asks.

"Well," I murmur, "because I love you"

He blushes, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. "I love you too." He replies sleepily, "Goodnight, my Angel"


Oh, damn, I must have fallen asleep too- a quick glance at my clock tells me that it's 5:30. Okay, no one should be up yet. It's okay.

Aiden is still asleep, and I don't wanna wake him, but for both of our sakes nobody can know about last night. Well, for now anyway.
Looks like I have to carry him to his room.

He was so light so it was relatively easy, it was the 'getting back to my bedroom' part that was the problem. After shutting the door to Orange's room, I'd began walking back to mine. I reached out for the door handle, but just before my fingertips could reach it, I felt a sharp pain in the middle of my back, causing me to collapse onto the floor. I gasp in pain, making a feeble attempt to turn around to catch a glimpse of my attacker, as black spots begin to cloud my vision. There's warmth all around me, wet, metallic smelling liquid...

My blood.

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