A Christmas Tori

Começar do início

(Your outfit not mine. You can change it if you don't like it)

I was standing at my locker making a sketch of the gift I was getting for Jacob.

Jade: Jut give me anyone else.

Sikowitz: Jade, you're gonna be Tori's secret santa and let be that!

Jade: But why do I have to...

I walked over to Beck's locker and he wraps his arm around my waist and Jacob walks up behind Jade

Beck: He said he's not gona change it so just deal with it, why don't you just deal with it? Why don't you just deal with it?

Jade: His heart is vibrating

How much coffee have you drank?

Beck: A lot, like a lot. I don't know. Like maybe seven cups, a lot, is there a problem?

Me: He's drinking coffee to stay awake at school 'cuz of the stupid cricket that's keeping him up every night

Beck: Lotta coffee

Jade: Look, I don't wanna be Tori's secret Santa.

Me: Too bad!

I looked over to Beck and he looked like he was bouncing

Me: Stop bouncing!

Beck: I can't help it

I then saw that Robbie got Cat a cotton candy machine as a gift. Aww that's so sweet

I took Beck's coffee from him and walked away

Beck: Mon amour wait!!

He chased after me trying to get his coffee. (I was listening to Guns and Ships so for the sake of this let's act like he can speak French

Big time skip

I was waiting with Beck as he just gave Robbie his gift

Me: That was really sweet Beck

Beck: Thanks Mon amour

Me: By the way I handed him a huge cup of coffee This is the most gigantic cup of coffee they sell

Beck: It's not enough

Cat then gave Jade her favorite scissors from "The Scissoring". Then Tori came over to us, then Jacob

Tori: Um, anyway... You guys, I'm Andre's secret Santa, and I have like no clue what to give him.

Cat: Just get him a present

Me: Oh my god

Tori: Okay. Help me! Please. I don't want to give him the worst present and then have to go Christmas yodeling with Sikowitz.

Jade: Two words...

Jacob: I bet they won't be helpful.

Jade: Your problem

Jacob: I was right

Time skip to the next day.

I was waiting with the girls to give Andre his present

Tori: Hey, Anthony!

Anthony: Hey!

Tori: Okay, everyone, you guys know Anthony, one of the Hollywood Arts' awesome music teachers

Your my baby Beck x reader storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora