" Where's my phone? " she muttered to herself.

" Peyton told me you lost it at the party " I offered.

" Shit yeah, God I'll have to buy a new one " she groaned.

I stayed with her for about an hour more. Just chatting about school and work. When I left I noticed we didn't even kiss. Was that weird?

I walked slowly back to my room and I feel my phone buzz from a new message. I pulled it out of my pocket. It was from Kentin.

Alex I'm so sorry it completely slipped my mind, I'll make it up to you I promise. We'll rain check?

I'll reply to him later once I was ready to forgive him. I still hadn't forgotten what I saw yesterday. I ended up at my front door ready to knock. But the door flew open and Zac came out. I didn't know what to say.

He looked up at me about to greet me before he saw my face. He looked guilty, he nodded in my direction then took off down the hallway. I was surprised, he didn't know I saw so why would he be acting this way?

I walked back into my room. Leigh was at his desk typing on his laptop. His earphones were in and I could hear the music from here.

Why was I so caught up about seeing Zac and Kenton kiss. Was I jealous? Fuck I so was I realised. This was like high school all over again. No matter how much I tried to forget those years they still somehow keep popping up.

I was so jealous even though I shouldn't be. It's not like they were cheating or anything.

For the next two weeks I didn't see Zac or Kentin. I spent all my time studying or working. I'd hang out with Leigh, Peyton and Amelia in all my free time.

I got several texts from the both of them asking to hang out but I read and ignored every single one.

I was on my way back to my room to pick up a few things before I was to go out with Leigh and a few classmates. But when I reached my room I froze. Leaning against my room was Kentin and I started to turn to escape before he noticed me. But unfortunately he called my name out. I had no choice but to go talk with him.

I let him inside and sat down on top of the desk. I was on nervous as hell.

"Why have you been avoiding me?" he asked looking hurt.

"I haven't " I protested weakly.

He raised his eyebrow at me, " You have and I want to know why"

He could see right through me, "I saw you um kissing Zac" I confessed avoiding his eyes.


"Yeah and I was a little mad you ditched me"

"Oh " he repeated, " I'm really sorry, the kissing thing was a mistake I just wanted to see if there was still anything, but there isn't and I know that now"

My heart beat slowed to its normal pace, it was a mistake. Just a mistake.

"You're forgiven, it's all good" I was telling the truth. The feeling in my chest had disappeared.

"How about some pancakes? " he suggested.

" For dinner? " I raised an eyebrow at him.

He nodded excitedly.

" Sure let's go "

Kentin was driving and on the way there I texted Zac back.

I'm sorry for ignoring you, I saw you and Kentin kissing and he forgot that he was meeting me. It's all good now, you're welcome to join us for a pancake dinner.

I texted him the address that was on the GPS screen. I hope he'd make it, I wanted to talk with him in person, it's better that way.

I could smell the pancakes even before we were inside. My stomach was grumbling. I felt like I hadn't eaten a bite all day.

We requested a table for three in case Zac turned up. I kept my hand on my phone to make sure I wouldn't miss a message.

We had ordered various juices and were about to order but I was interrupted by a text.

I understand, apology accepted. I'll be there very soon, save me some pancakes.

I sent him a confirmation text, "He's coming in a few minutes"

"Alright we'll wait for him before we order"

The door swung open and Zac walked in. He was glancing around and I waved him over.

He sat down and we called over the waitress once Zac had chosen. We probably ended up eating our weight in pancakes. They were definitely top notch. I patted my stomach happily.

I sent Zac a secret smile before I turned away cheeks tinting a hint of red. We were much better together than apart, that I knew.

I hope this counts as regular updates ahaha. I'm not sure when I'll be able to update next but I'm hoping to stay with the weekly update schedule. I start uni soon so I'll try to get more done.

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Locking up my heart (boyxboy) Completeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें