"You know that isn't true Julia." Evan said. "We both know, everyone here knows, about the process. The way the goddess of Seglusa is chosen and taken. You aren't with your precious husbands because of love, but by force. If you tell us who you are, we can get you home. To your parents whom miss you, we can have justice towards our kings whom have taken hundreds of women all over the world for hundreds of years and made them our queen." He said and I stared at him.

"Why?" I said looking at Evan, my heart breaking "Why?" I said and he looked at me with those grey eyes, judging my question.

"Our lives are great but our religion states that women are goddesses, that the queen is the goddess of Seglusa, but you're not a follower of Seglusm. You're a foreign bitch." He said looking at me. "You and your kings are what is wrong with this world. We have limited freedom. We live in a state where we get tortured our whole life for touching a woman inappropriate, without a trial." he said looking at me and I stared back at him. "If we can get the queen of Locatlie to admit that she was taken as a young child, then they can be prosecuted."

"Who is going to believe you? Who are you aligned with?" I replied as the other men took off their masks, I recognised some faces from B3 and B2. My heart then stopped as I saw Sally's husband, the mayor of whatever place, standing amongst them. Sally was the second daughter of King Simon, Steven and Lucas and the sister of my husbands. My heart sank at this betrayal.

"We have close contact with the democratic nominee" He said looking at me, my heart beating out of my chest. "For the united states election. The kings have no idea that we have contact with them, because we have people everywhere. He is to be made president; we told the kings that he was the best option. The moment that he is elected we present him with you, and you tell them what you've experienced." he said and I gulped looking at him. "We can get you out of this country whenever you want." he added. "The kings will be locked in a jail for the rest of our lives."

"And then?"

"We hold a democratic election, like the United States." Trendan said. "Until then, Harry here will take over."

I stared at them for a second and I blinked a couple of times. This was a fool proof plan; I could do this.

"How do you think you can get me out of here?" I said looking at Evan and Evan gave me a certain look. "By helicopter. You genuinely think that they won't see us leaving?" I stated to him. "Trevor is a very, very soft sleeper."

"We will be able to get you out. We will bring you to a place right now. Our people are in B3, have looped the camera's thanks to Evan." Trendan said. "Our emergency lines are only manned by people that we can trust." he said and I stared at him in total shock.

"How many people agree with this?" I said looking at him in total shock, or at least I was acting this way. I was not going to go out this way, I had decided that for myself. I also had not gotten to say goodbye in the way that I wanted to my husbands. I was pregnant with their child. I would not be able to do it now. I was desperate to find out more information about my parents, but it was clear they didn't know. I was desperate to go to the united states, but not with them. I didn't have faith in their plan.

"Around 70 people are still active, including the 30 of us. Your little runaway attempt." Trendan said with some amusement looking at me. "Made sure that all our people from Valkarae had been taken. All the other cities as well. But Gotar? Evan and I led that operation. One of our men we allowed to be taken for the greater good." he said and I stared at him for a second and nodded slowly at that.

"I'm sorry, but I'm queen Julia. I don't know anything else." I said shaking my head.

"That is good enough though." Evan said looking at John and I looked at Harry whom was staring at me with tears in his eyes.

"Does your wife know you're doing this?" I said looking at Harry.

"No." Harry said right away. "I don't have the physical tattoo because of that reason."

"Where does she think you are right now?" I said and he looked at me.

"Meeting with the mayor of Yordan." He said and I nodded at that slowly as I looked at John whom stared at me.

"How can you not know who you are? Do you know about the process? Any of that?" John said and I shook my head in fear now, as he was really close to me.

"I told you that she would know just about as much as that bitch Rebecca" A guy said from the back and John looked into my eyes now, the back of his fingers against my cheek.

I knew my husbands would come and save me any second. I just needed to stall them. I needed my husbands here and quickly.

"Rethink that really quickly." He said and I looked at him tears appearing in my eyes. "It would be such a waste of that little baby and your life." He said as his hand went to my belly. "Too many of these men would love to know what the queen's pussy is like though." he said. "Unless you give me the information I need, we will take turns fucking you and then kill you like Rebecca. Your husbands will have to marry another bitch, what was her name again Harry?"

"Heather." He said and he then smiled a bit wickedly. "I heard this hilarious story though from my beloved wife. Apparently." he said as he walked up to me and he put a strand of my hair behind my ear, my whole body shaking in disgust. "They all voted for Heather first, apart from on.e" he said holding up his finger towards my breast now, against my nipple. "But, as protocol states, when the kings decide on a queen, they have to ask her permission." he said and I closed my eyes at this information. They were telling me this to hurt me, it wasn't true. "Heather didn't want it. They then decided to go with you. But because they didn't have a plan C, they didn't ask your permission. Apparently, Lea thought it was horrible to trick you, but they all had to make a pact not to tell you. They called all of their sisters up after that jealous stunt you pulled, to make sure they wouldn't tell anyone." He said and he looked at me. "Do you really want Heather to become queen? Have her kiss your husbands, fuck her husbands. Have her be the queen they worship?" He said as he then grabbed my breast. I looked into his eyes. I knew what he was doing; I knew he wanted me to have the grey beast inside of me come out. Abandon my husbands. The husbands that didn't want to be with me in the first place. They wanted her. They wanted her and not me. They were giving me two options; either come with them and have my husbands prosecuted, or die here and have my husbands marry someone else. Either way; both of their options didn't include a future with my husbands. A couple of months ago I would've walked with them right away and seen where the path took me, but right now I knew my kings better than they did. They would find me and punish me. I had to have a fool proof plan, and this wasn't it.

"You're lying." I said looking back into his "Trevor and William would never do that."

"How are you so sure? They lie about everything to make sure that you stay with them. They kept you in a small room in Gotar for 7 years and then made you want to be happy about being their wife. They played you Julia." He said to me. "They don't love you; they love the idea of you."

"I don't know anything about myself. They haven't told me anything." I said looking at them. "I'm Julia."

"Well then she's useless. Maybe that Heather bitch can be of use to us. Fred, you get the honours." John said and I took a step back, smashing against the gate, as a very scary looking guy walked up to me, grabbed my dress and ripped it open.

I closed my eyes, hoping that I'd be saved. 

Locatlie: The Revelation. (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now