Call out!

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*three days later*

Taylor was sat at her desk, she had been alone for three days ever since her and Damon split up and she was loving the freedom, there was only one thing, jay had flipped on her. The pair were getting along so well, they had formed a good foundation as partners and they were going strong but now, god, it was like hell had risen from its grave.

Ever since she got back from the hospital three days ago, she noticed jay was being off with her. Not just off, he seemed to not trust her anymore, he had stopped talking to her other than when he needed to, he was hovering over her shoulders 24/7, he was being rather mean too. Taylor was beginning to think it was her since yesterday she also noticed the rest of the unit were becoming weary of her too, did she say something? What did she do wrong? Did she even do anything wrong?

"I want you all to watch through the CCTV footage, we need evidence that Lopez exchanged hands with Torres" hank huffed and gathered them all around Kim's desk. He walked off to let his detectives do their job. They all stood around Kim's computer screen watching the 30 minute long footage, jay had distanced himself from Taylor which made her feel crappy, she kept looking at him but every time she looked up he was giving her dead eyes. What the hell is going on? "Woah woah woah, is he snitching? Aren't they from the same gang?" Kim pointed to something on the screen, they all looked closely, "yeah he is" Kevin huffed. Kim rubbed her hand over her face, "why would he do that? They're all so close in that gang..." she sat back in her chair as Adam leant on it.

Jay folded his arms, "sometimes people aren't as loyal as you think, even salt looks like sugar in the end" he shrugged and looked directly at Taylor as she met his gaze. Taylor's heart shattered as she realised that he was aiming his little speech at her, she held back her emotions and looked to the screen again even though she could see jay still staring at her from the corner of her eye. What's he talking about and why's he being so rude about it? Did she do something? Why isn't he talking to her?

"Hey sarge, they've made the exchange!" Vanessa shouted into his office, Hank came strolling out and folded his arms, "alright, contact your CI's. We have to get them both off the street, now" he huffed then wandered downstairs. They all nodded and went back to their own desks, Taylor was caught unprepared when jay cut her off by barging past her to get to his desk first, she stumbled backwards as he pushed her shoulder. The team all saw it but said nothing which really hurt her, why was she being targeted and why weren't they discussing it with her if they have a problem? She though they were all a team...

"Sarge? My CI said he might have something, he wants to meet at a diner on 98th" Taylor shouted from her desk. Hank, who was the only one not being weird with her, walked out to stand in his doorway, "go see what he's got, take Halstead with you" he waved her off. She smiled and nodded before getting up, jay sighed and stood up unwillingly before following her downstairs, "we'll take my truck in case my CI replies" jay scoffed and got into his car, Taylor smiled and nodded even though he was being abrupt with her. The pair drove in silence, jay kept on flashing her a few evil flares when she wasn't looking but other then that it was silent and awkward and Taylor didn't even know why.

The pair got out of jays truck and immediately saw Taylor's CI sitting inside waiting for them, they walked into the diner and walked straight over to the booth. Taylor sat down and jay spaced himself away from her, "I don't know if it's helpful but I know this warehouse on 112th, the streets are talking saying that's where the drugs are stashed but no ones got enough balls to actually go in and look" Taylor's CI huffed. Taylor nodded, "you know who owns it?" She smiled. Her CI shrugged his shoulders, "they're all really secretive about it, no one knows. I can contact my home boy see if he knows anything but I doubt he will" he opposed. Taylor looked at jay for his input but he wasn't looking away from them as if he didn't care, she frowned and turned back to her CI, "yeah that's a good idea, I'll stay with you until he replies" she smiled.

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