Chapter Twenty-Nine

Start from the beginning

When I was now alone in the room, I picked up the remote, switching the TV off, and pulled my phone out from in between the couch cushions, checking for messages.

There were no messages.

I put my phone phone down next to me, resting my chin on my knees, slowly closing my eyes, trying to block out the downpour. A few minutes, the front door slammed close, signaling that Addison had left after collecting her items of clothing.

I stood up with my phone in my hand, wrapping the covers around me, tightly like my life depended on it. That's how cold it was in here. If I turned the radiator on, it would take a long time until the warmth traveled through out the whole house and I wasn't patient at all, so I found that a tad unnecessary.

I traipsed upstairs into the guest room. Once on the firmness of the mattress and the warmth of newly replaced duvet, I sighed in relief of not being on my feet anymore, laying on my back. I wasn't lazy... No, I just had this lack of wanting to be active.

I wanted to sleep, but the bed wasn't as comfortable as I wanted to be... the bed seemed rather unyielding beneath me. Niall's bed would have been soft beneath my weak body or even my own bed that I would be abandoning for a while... maybe even forever.

Almost everything I thought about was linked to Niall as if I were put on this world for his purpose. But there would probably come a time where he would go out living his dream with his four best friends and I would stay back and watch from another part of the world, living my own life, as a normal person... Again.

Hopefully, that was never to come... or at least not any time soon. That would be restarting two years ago, all over again, and that was also something I couldn't prepare myself to bear. Most likely, it was to happen at the end of the summer... I'm suppose to be attending college in the fall and there was no doubt in my mind saying that One Direction was not going to busy. But I didn't want us to be just some summer fling.

Sleepless nights also had me in deep thought... I was going to be eighteen years old soon, so I thought that after my parents moved back to London that I would move out and be on my own... or even drag Addison along with me, because she also lived with her parents who she didn't like very much, despite their tolerance of her behavior. She's always whined about wanting to move out, so what better than for us to do just that, together?

The rain began to slow, as my thoughts became more and more fuzzy. As I drifted, I thought: Why does my life have to be complicated?


I felt a heavy weight pressed against my body, not heavy enough to stop my breathing... it didn't bother me at all. It had to be a person because they were heavily breathing in my ear with their hot cheek smashed to mines, their hair tickling my face. It was probably just Addison, so I didn't bother opening my eyes.

But my question was... Why did she smell like a guy? And why was she breathing so hard? She probably ran up the stairs, excited to mess with me.

As her breathing decelerated, I could hear my surroundings clearer. I noticed the rain had stopped, and there were muffled voices coming from downstairs...

Probably just the TV, I thought.

The position I was being held in was just as uncomfortable as the bed after a while. I shifted a bit, with my eyes still close in hopes that she would move from on top of me, but there was no such luck.

I released a little groan, causing Addison to removed her heated chest off of mines, but she didn't move from on top of me. I felt a forehead pressed to mines, which meant our lips weren't so far apart, and a hand cupping my jaw.

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