Chapter 16

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"He is dangerous!" Tony yelled as he stood at the table, gesturing angrily.

"No, he is not! It were those words!" she defended him.

"He also killed my parents and so many others! He asked what he did! He does not know what he did!" the small brunette yelled, anger radiating off of him intensely.

"I do remember," Barnes gave in in a small voice. He had been silent the entire time since the Winter-Soldier had vanished again.

"What?" Tony asked now way more calmly.

"I do remember them. Your parents. They died thinking of you," he stated still wishing to be everywhere but there. Tony raged again.

"Who do you think you are! They died because of you and you tell me, that they were thinking of me in the meantime. And to be honest; I don't think you remember them because my father was a man that put work always over everything so you have to lie to save your-" Now he was cut off.

"You have no idea what is in our heads. If I were not with Cap, I may would have been with you and then, your precious suit would have melted together with your skin and I'm very positive you would not have wanted this. So if you don't want to make this experience now, it'd be good if you stopped blaming him for things that he did not have any control over. I know what I'm speaking of," she growled and her eyes turned back in anger.

"What do you mean?" Steve asked.

"They may were not able to delate my memories but they got stuff into my head. The words they said, I have such words too but I still have my own goals and accords. It was tricky but they managed to put me in a blood rush with them and that was what happened in the base. They nearly made me hurt Steve because I was not able to differ between enemy and ally anymore. And don't you think I don't remember the faces of the men and women I killed. They will be burned into my soul till the very back of my mind for the rest of my life. So, don't you think for one second that it was easy to live with this and that we don't regret for one moment what we did," she answered, her eyes fixed onto her fiddling hands. Tony had fallen back into his seat, taking in everything that he had been told.

Long minutes passed and were only broken because the woman with the balk wings rose from her seat and left, tacking Winter along.

--- Time Skip ---

The two ex-assassins were curled up into each other on their bed, watching a film as someone knocked on the door. After a short answer, Tony and Steve entered and stood there, looking at the two in the dark.

"Do you two have a moment?" the blonde asked. His question was answered as the movie stopped, followed by limbs untangling from one another. Two heads turned to them and eyes observed then awaiting.

"We-" Tony started but Steve cut him off.

"Speak for yourself, Tony. I'm only here to support your sorry ass," he stated, making the woman's lips curl. He may was a golden boy but damn could he swear if he wanted to.

"Watch your mouth, Capsicle. Or else someone could think you may were not as perfect as you are," the short brunette shot back. The bickering went back and forth till Angle had enough.

"Guys! As entertaining as this is, I'd like to return to my movie if you don't mind so get to the point!" she ordered slightly annoyed. The two men looked at her for a moment.

"Yes, right. Em- yea. I... wanted to apologize for my dementor. I should have known that it was not his or your fault," Stark stated sheepishly.

"And?" the blonde next to him pressed.

"And sorry that I suspected that you lied to me about my parents. I should know by now that you really suffer under your past. You both. God damn it; I am an ass," he breathed, his head falling back at the last part.

"Yes, you are Stark but you are our ass and Cap would have nothing against seeing it bare," she joked, making the blonde torn into a human tomato. Stark turned to look at the captain with huge eyes, causing the two witnesses to fall off of the bed, laughing their asses off.

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