Chapter 11

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It had been nearly one and a half years since the former assassins had fled from Hydra and a lot had changed. Angle had taken over the duty of working because she was less striking and more common to the modern society while James was shopping for groceries and stuff.

"Winter," the woman called as she entered the flat. Snow fell from her hood as she pulled back the dark fabric that covered her face before.

"In the kitchen!" a male voice called. The heavy fabric slumped onto the coat stand as well as a slight sheet of silk.

"How had work been?" the brunette asked, steering in one of the pots on the stove.

"Good. Just exhausting," she answered, sitting down on one of the chairs near the kitchen table.

Six months after New York, they somehow managed to get to Europe and ended up in the country her story began nearly eight years ago; Germany. The two moved into a small house near Stuttgart. It was far away from the city but still, they were more than capable to get to the cityside fast.

"Winter!" the young woman called as she entered. Her hair swirled behind her as she ran towards the brunette.

"Winter, I have found a job but I need your help to get it," she cheered as the woman threw her arms around his neck.

"What do you have, that you need my help for?" he asked, placing his hands on her waist.


--- Time Skip ---

"What can you present us?" the man questioned. Angle stood in front of the employers, her hands sweaty.

"I wanted to present you my art by not performing live because it would take days to do it. Therefore, I did bring my friend with me." While she spoke, she made her way to the door. As she opened the wooden border, a man with shoulder-length brown hair and blue-grey eyes entered. He was muscular and a thin layer of stubble accented his face.

"Dear ladies and gentlemen, I want to present you my masterpiece. The arm of this man looks like the one of any other," she exclaimed, lifting his hand.

"This arm is made of silicone and synthetic hair." Angle turned his arm so that the inside of it was presented to the others. Her fingers pricked carefully on a nearly unnoticeable spot where two layers of silicone connected.

The skin-coloured material came off and relieved a silvern construction. To keep James covered, the woman had fetched some materials and had created a layer of metal that worked exactly like Winter's real arm. Underneath an even thinner layer of fake skin, his real mechanical arm was well hidden. The female woman had spent nearly three days of perfecting the layers and it resulted just as this; perfect.

"This is a model I created. The layers are not connected to each other and still well attached. The plates run over each other smoothly and don't brother the person while moving." She moved his arm to show how it worked and the people were amazed.

A million questions were asked and soon, she was hired as a make-up artist that was going to help on film setts.

"You know, it's going to snow a lot the next days," she mumbled into a cup of warm cocoa.

"I've noticed. I just hope it doesn't get too cold," he answered, placing a pot on the table before taking a seat himself.

"I hope too. Is the wood stocked?" she asked, smiling at the dish Winter had cooked.

"Yes, but it is not much. We'll have to hope that it doesn't get too cold."

--- Time Skip ---

Hour after hour, show fell to the ground in thick flakes, soon piling up high. Night took over the day and it got colder and colder with every hour passing. Angle and Winter were cuddled up close to find warmth in each other, his left arm weighting on her body as her frame was pressed against his tightly.

As the sun rose, only some of its warming rays came through the clear windows. The snow covered most of their surfaces. A low growl rumbled through the small room as heavy eyelids lifted to relieve blue-grey eyes.

"Hey, Angle. Wake up," a raspy morning voice cooed as he noticed the dimmed light. The woman steered and slowly awoke from her slumber.

"Five more minutes," she breathed as her face nuzzled deeper into the pillow along with his tight chest.

"Angel... Come on... there may be a problem," he stated, shaking her softly once again.

"What is it?" she asked, throwing off the covers which had wrapped them into a warm cocoon till now. She regretted her action the second after the cold air hit her skin.

"What the hell?" she asked, pulling the covers back around her body.

"It seems like we are snowed in. I'll look if we can reach the firewood but if we are unlucky, the door is blocked," Bucky stated, fiddling a sweater and thick pants out of the drawer next to the bed.

The woman fetched a pair of warm leggings and a thick hoody along with a pair of warm socks. Just as she put on the last piece of clothing, the brunette entered again, brushing a few white flakes out of his hair.

"Well... bad news. We get exactly a half meter and then, we are stuck. This also means, we can reach only a small part of the wood." The woman held her chin in her hand for a moment.

"What will we do about it then?" she asked, looking at him.

"We'll have to divide it and hope that it lasts till it thaws again," he spoke, clearing the fireplace to start a fire.

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