Chapter 15

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It was now nearly one year since that day in France and life was good again. Surely, the two had troubles at times but if everything was against them, the two had one another.

They were currently on a mission and this was one of the most troubling ones for the former Hydra assassins. They were arriving at the edge of a small forest not far from the Hydra-base. It was nothing new. They had done this multiple times but this one was special. This one was the facility where the two were captured, brainwashed and tortured over and over again and it was time for them to finally beat the living shit out of these people.

"So, Bucky, you will pair with Stark and go in on the backside. Sam, take Nat to the roof and start there. Clint, keep an eye on everyone that comes out and Angel, you come with me," Cap introduced and everyone agreed. The Asgardians were out in space and attended some royal stuff even though they would have been good help on this special mission.

"Any last questions?" Steve asked before everyone set off. At first, everything went well. Hydra agents fell like leaves in autumn and blood covered the floor. Angel's rage was at bay but then, words in Russian were spoken and her emotion went out of hand. She raged and burned agent after agent to ash.

"Angel! Stop!" Cap screamed and pulled her from her daze. It was like a sudden bloodlust had taken her over and now she had had enough.

"What was that?" he asked, his temper rising a little.

"I-I don't quite know. It were those words. Th-they-" the woman cut herself off.

"Where is Bucky?" she asked, eyes wide and filled with panic. Just then, Tony's voice came through the coms.

"Guys! Barnes went out of hand and tries to shoot me- ow!" he yelled.

"Where are you?" Cap asked and set off with the ex-assassin on his heels. They didn't need Stark to answer since they followed the shoots, mixed with bullets hitting metal and muffed yells. The two super soldiers broke through the door that fell out of its frame glowing. There the huge room laid that she once woke up in. Memories floated her mind but she had no time to suffer through this again.

"Winter!" she called out to the man but he didn't react.

"Funny how you two returned to us. Sadly, you still acted in your own accord but thanks for bringing him back," a male voice rang out and you looked into the room next to your position. Safe behind the thick glass, the Director sat, a smug smirk on his face.

"You-" the woman growled but was held back by Steve.

"I'll take care of him. Go and take care of Bucky," he whispered low. She nodded and unfolded her wings, sailing down to him.

"Sergeant!" she belled, catching his attention. His ruffle was directed towards her as he was in full Winter-Soldier mode.

"Stop that!" she ordered but only earned a bulled through the wing. Pain shot through her but she suppressed it.

"Sergeant Barnes, what behavior is this? I'm your parent corporal and person in charge. Now, put the weapon down and snap out of it," she bellowed and made the man stand straight, his weapon lowered.

"Now, listen: howling commandos; 1943; Jim Morita, James Montgomery Falsworth, Gabe Jones, Jacques Dernier, Happy Sam Sawyer, Pinky Pinkerton, Junior Juniper; Steven Grant Rogers." As the last name left her mouth, the blue color came back to Bucky's eyes. His facial expression softened but soon crunched together.

What have I done?"

The Winter-Soldier's Dark AngleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora