Chapter 1

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~Ester POV~

I laid back on my bed, just finishing cleaning my room to my roommate/ best friends standards. Covering my eye as the daylight outside blinded me. I heard a knock at my door.
"Come on in Aly."
My roommate opened the door. I looked over at her holding cleaning supplies. She had her shoulder length brown hair pulled back in a ponytail. She glared at me through her green-ish grey eyes.
"Slacker, get off your butt and help me clean."
I sighed knowing if I tried to argue with her it would be a loss for me.
"Alright, you don't have to be such a levi though ya know."
I covered my mouth real quick. She unfortunately heard me turning her head to face me. The glare she held was almost demonic.
"Yes ma'am I'll get right on to cleaning then." I said shaking in fear as I made a failing attempt to escape her grasp. She grabs the back of my shirt.
"As much as I love that certain shortie, call me him again and I will shove my foot up your but."
I gulped before replying, "yes ma'am."
She let go of my shirt, as I bolted to the kitchen. It wasn't until after the sun started to set that we finished cleaning, mainly cause Aly went and redid everything I did. Night time was my favorite time of the day though cause me and Aly would sit in the living and watch anime. One of the few things we actually agree on. We currently were rewatching one of our favorite animes, Attack on Titans. Though this time it was different. I mean not completely different but still. We sat on the couch, curled up in our blankets. We had watched a couple episodes as usual before taking a snack break, but when I paused the show a strange ad appeared. I had decided to not worry about it for now. Going into the kitchen I set my phone on the counter next to Aly's before taking the chip she was just about to eat from her.
"Hey, you jerk that was my chip."
"You didn't eat it fast enough so I took it."
As we playfully fought over the chip our phones started buzzing. We looked at our phones before picking them up in sync and answering them.
"Congratulations you won, a free trip to-"
We both hang up, and looked at each other.
"Telemarketer." We said in sync.
Before we could set our phones down the same number called again.
"What the hell? I just hang up on it." I said a bit confused.
"Yeah same here."
We agreed to block the number and turn our phones completely off. We finished our snack break and went back into the living room. The ad from before still was on the screen. I sat down grabbing the remote and attempting to click off the ad.
"What the fuck? First the phone call now this damn ad won't leave the screen. What's next, is a portal gonna appear out of thin air?"
Next thing I know after I accidentally clicked a button, a portal appears.
"You should really learn to keep your mouth shut, Ester."
I face palmed at my stupidity. Aly stood curiously examining the portal.
"Well what would be the harm in stepping through?"
I glanced at her.
"Everything, you have no idea where that leads."
"That's the point, you never know-"
"Fine, fine, but if we die it's on you."
She grabbed my wrist and pulled me through.
Nothing could have prepared us for what was on the other side.

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