New partner

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The Android revolution had just past, Androids had won they were now allowed freedom, they were going to be treated like humans all thanks to Markus. Most Androids that hadn't became deviant were now deviant all, one Android hadn't deviated yet an RK900 model an upgraded Connor had just been released to hunt and stop deviants and do things that the RK800 couldn't and couldn't do and more.

Nines POV
I had just arrived at the DPD, I had been dropped off there by a taxi. I walked in scanning my surroundings I had to find some by the name of Detective Gavin Reed. I was looking forward to meet my new partner I hoped that we would be able to become friends and caught deviants together.

I looked at all the desk finally finding Detective Reed's sitting on it waiting for him show up but he heard him before I saw him, soon after I sat on his desk I heard someone that I assumed to be Gavin." Hey Tincan! get off my desk!" He yelled at me I immediately obeyed getting off his desk watching him walk towards it and sit down."I'm sorry for the inconvenience detective but I have be assigned to you. I spoke causing him to look up at me"assigned to me? I'm not working with a phcking Android" he laughed looking at his computer taking a sip of his coffee."I sorry detective but you don't have a choice" I explained to him but he ignored me getting to know him and working with him was going to be hard.

Gavin's POV

I had got back from getting coffee to nines just sitting there on my desk. When he told me that he was going to be my partner I hated it I didn't want to work with an Android especially one that looked and sounded like Connor but with blue eyes, a black turtle neck and a white version of Connor's I hated it and I hated his stupid face.

I finally looked at the Android he was just standing there watching to me like some sort of child"don't you have any thing better to do Tincan?" I snapped at him" I'm sorry detective" he looked at me sitting at a desk that was mine looking at the screen, I didn't say anything to him I just rolled my eyes looking at mine taking a sip of my coffee. We were doing the Android cases now I hated it Fowler had told me when I arrived and now I had to do it was a fucking Android. The first one I was made to do with it was a homicide involving an Android being taken apart miss his limbs.

When we got the the scene Nines didn't seem to care much at all he just analysed it like it was nothing I don't know how he did it, it was one of his person yet he remind unfazed but it.

*Few weeks later *

Nines POV
A few weeks had went by and I hadn't long started living with Gavin I didn't like it but Amanda wanted me to be a lot more closer to him not so much be his friend or date him but close enough where he would trust me and we were still far from it. Everything I did seemed to piss him off even the smallest things did. "Phck your still here" he moaned rubbing his eyes as he came out of his bedroom." Yes I'm still here Detective, if we are going to be partners I need you to a least trust me" I answered my LED turning yellow"whatever get out you plastic prick" he said sounding really annoyed.

I stood up going to leave like he asked but before I could leave Gavin punch my the skin on my face immediately reacting to it, at that moment I saw coding appear in-front saying 'don't fight back.' I ignored it pushing Gavin away from me I had deviated, when i looked at Gavin after I pushed he had complete shock on his face I almost looked like he realised that he had hurt me and regretted it.

Forbidden love|Reed900 AU(discontinued for permanently)Where stories live. Discover now