Sakura Haruno

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- Incredibly intelligent. Graduated high school at age 15. Finished first college degree/undergrad at 17. Currently holds a doctorate in pathology, one in forensic anthropology, and an undergrad in criminal psychology. She's touted as one of the most intelligent women of her generation.

- She's a bad shot. Per being attacked in her home, she hates guns and wishes they didn't exist. She's uncomfortable when they're around except in the case of law enforcement individuals she trusts (Naruto, Sasuke, etc).

- Father is military and works overseas; mother is a busy fashion designer for a large magazine. Sakura doesn't get along with either of them. Both were not the most encouraging of her career path despite her intelligence, and were rarely around; she was raised mostly by her grandmother as a result. She doesn't talk to them too often, but especially not her mother.

- Best friends with Ino; they have been friends since childhood. She finds Ino's crass nature mildly endearing at times, but also spends too much time comparing herself to her best friend. Despite this, she considers Ino to be like a sister to her, and would do almost anything for her best friend.

- Struggles on some level with self-esteem about her looks. Being as smart as she was meant she was the nerdy girl who never got asked on dates; she's been single her whole life, and it's been deeply demotivating. Questions her own beauty (she's not as well-endowed or "curvy" as other girls, for example) and often fails to see how pretty she truly is. This also made her college years a struggle. With her mother running a fashion magazine, she was surrounded by a perception of beauty she feels she hasn't been able to reach or never will reach.

- Deeply loving and caring. Sakura has the unfortunate tendency to put everyone else's needs before her own, to the point of nearly being self-destructive in the process. Would rather suffer in silence for someone else's sake than speak up about her own struggles. Believes everyone else's well-being is more important than her own, and she struggles to open up about the true depth of her fears and concerns. She's slowly started to let go of this mentality around Sasuke, learning to rely on him more.

- Sakura is heterosexual.

- Sakura hates spiders. Violence will ensue if she finds one in the home, along with squealing and screaming. She once broke a broom handle trying to take care of one.

- Sakura's allergic to lilacs. They make her sneeze repeatedly, sometimes for days after.

- Sakura is currently in a romantic relationship with Sasuke Uchiha.

- Sakura is currently wanted in connection with an arson attack resulting in the death of Idate Shimura and the attempted murder of District Attorney Ino Yamanaka.

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