Naruto Uzumaki

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- Orphan child. Parents were killed when he was a baby. As a child he was rebellious and grew up in the foster system, moving from home to home. He smartened up a little around age 10, when he met Sasuke Uchiha. Boys were thick as thieves but kept one another in line. Neither were adopted, and aged out of the foster system.

- He and Sasuke only sort of get along. They have mutual respect for one another, but Sasuke's an ass to him (Naruto asks for it by intentionally annoying him, sometimes). There's no hate, they just bicker like siblings. When push comes to shove, there is a deep mutual respect between them.

- Bit of a doofus. He's not very book-smart, and relies on his team for intelligence-related matters of cases. That being said: he is incredibly people-smart. He (barely) managed a criminal psychology degree with okay marks (barely passed, really), but in an interrogation room, he is a god. He is incredibly observant of people and their reactions and capable of clever trickery to lead to confessions. He's touted as one of the best interrogators that Konoha P.D. has seen, and although he runs the Gang Violence department, he's often called on to assist in interrogations for other departments, primarily Major Crimes.

- Has a small crush on Sakura Haruno, and once went on a date with her. He was quick to realize she didn't return his feelings, and respected that—despite this, he cares for her deeply and considers her a good friend. He's supportive of her feelings for Sasuke.

- He and Ino don't get along well. She messes with him a lot. They have ongoing prank wars in the office.

- Naruto is heterosexual.

- Naruto volunteers at youth shelters in his free time, and if he hadn't gone into law enforcement, he would have been either a youth care worker or a foster father for children. His dream is to one day open a rec center for troubled youth to help put them back on the right path in life by helping them obtain education, sports training, or the like.

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