Chapter Twenty Eight

Start from the beginning

That got Enzo's attention because his eyes finally drifted downwards and oh by the moon did I wish that they hadn't.

I felt instant pain at the base of my spine. It shot straight to my brain and I fought the dizzy feeling that came out of nowhere. Whatever Enzo did to me before with his Alpha eyes was only testing the waters. This, now this was the real deal.

"He's a child but are you also a child, Aoife?" Those words were accusatory and bitter. They were all I needed to cause me to hunch over in pain as my head fell forward almost slamming against the angry Alpha's chest. I felt like I was having period cramps but on steroids. "What are you even doing here, Aoife? Alone?"

"Ah!" My words jumped out of my mouth and instantly, it seemed to dawn on Enzo that he was hurting me because out of nowhere, the pain, dizziness and pressure against my spine vanished like it was never even there to begin with. I even wondered if I imagined it all.

When I stood up straighter, Enzo's eyes were no longer gold. They were back to their sharp tinted black.

"He may be a child but you should know better than to let a child mislead you," He deadpanned. There seemed to be no emotion in his voice but his eyes blazed with red hot anger.

Before I could respond, he turned towards Ronan.

"Ronan, I want all of this gone! Cigarettes, alcohol, vapes, drugs. I don't care whatever you have with you but I want them all gone before tonight. Don't force me to leave my manners behind and search through your things. Despite your reputation, I trusted you to at least respect me enough to behave properly in my home, Ronan!"

Ronan opened his mouth to speak but Enzo raised his hand to stop him.

"Enough! I won't entertain your lies anymore. You have two choices; either you get rid of all this poison or I'll get rid of you. Choose wisely, Alpha-born," Enzo warned and before I could even blink, he turned away from both of us and walked right out of the room, slamming it hard behind him.

I went after him.

"I told you that you would get into trouble, Ronan! I warned you but you just didn't listen and now you also dragged me down with you!" I screamed at him in anger as I opened the door.

"Hey, Princess! Don't act all innocent! I never forced you to come into my room or to smoke with me! Carry your own damn weight!" He yelled back as he leaned down to pick up the cigarette that had fallen when Enzo came. "Besides, he'll be fine. He's probably just hyper and filled with Alpha energy cause he hasn't shifted in a while, don't-"

I slammed the door in Ronan's face harder than Enzo did. It was useless talking to that fellow. He was nothing but trouble. Fucking trouble. Now, how the fuck am I going to salvage this situation? I never saw Enzo that pissed before. Especially not at me.

What are you even doing here, Aoife? Alone?

I rushed to the door of his bedroom which he just shut only a moment ago. I didn't bother to knock. I just let myself in.

Enzo was drinking a glass of water when I shut the door.

"We need to talk, Alpha," I said as I pressed my back against the hardwood.

What was I going to say exactly? No, Alpha, I wasn't smoking? No, Alpha, I wasn't alone with Ronan? He was a kind man, I'll give him that but he most certainly wasn't a blind one.

"What are you doing here, Aoife?" Enzo asked as he turned towards me and set the glass down on the table a bit too forcefully as if he was struggling to contain himself. He pushed his curly hair backwards but they disobeyed his hands and returned back to their initial position rebelliously.

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