
"You got me flowers?" Aubrey asked

"Yeah I owe you an apology, a few actually"

"I'm listening" she said

"Well for one I am sorry for doing the whole blaming you for being mad at me thing I realize I try not to take accountability a lot and it's not good, I am also sorry for going to the party, I honestly didn't think you'd care but you do and I get it, it's about boundaries and respect, and I'll stop talking to other girls, your feelings matter more than anything to me and I'll do whatever to prove it"

"Well you should show it" she responded, she wanted badly to just forgive him and let it go but she was working on not being so forgiving when she was done wrong.

"I will, did you eat today?"

"Nope, you should do something about that" she replied smartly.

He smiled watching her maneuver around her room, she was in the process of cleaning up before he came and she was continuing after his apology. In a way he was happy Aubrey was not being so soft but he was conflicted because it was towards him.

"What do you want to eat?"

"Oxtails, and I want your mom to make them"

"Aubrey that'll take like 4 hours and she isn't off work yet"

"Well you better get me something in the meantime then huh?"

"And what do you want in the meantime?"

"Crab legs"

"There's no way you're eating crab legs and oxtails in the same day, but I'll entertain it" he said, and he was right. Aubrey wasn't even really hungry at the moment but she was going to make him work.

"You have no choice but to bud"

"Bud?" He asked laughing

"Yup that's all you are to me right now" she stated. He didn't take her seriously though, her entire demeanor seemed playful to him. She couldn't be mean, it just wasn't in her nature.

"Well can your buddy get a kiss before I go beg my mom to make you food?"

"No, but you can have a hug" she said. He hugged Aubrey for a minute before getting carried away and lingering his hands on her butt.

"Ok, you can go now" she said removing his hands. Once he left Aubrey felt quite accomplished she didn't give in or let him talk his way back into her good graces so quickly.

She suddenly remembered she had to figure out what she'd do with all the food she demanded and her sense of accomplishment went away.
"You know I never thought I'd be saying this but I miss Aubrey" Leah said

"No you don't you just wanted to bring her up" Darren replied

"No I really do, Josiah's more fun when she's around. I don't like this dazed boring boy"

"I'm not dazed or boring" Josiah said

"Yeah you haven't even told any deaf jokes since your girlfriend has been treating you like a trick" it was partially true, Aubrey was making him do whatever she wanted and she wasn't having sex with him either, he didn't think she would last this long and it had him feeling down.

"A trick?"

"Yeah someone a woman-"

"I know what a trick is, I'm just saying I'm not one" he replied sitting back.

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