Everything Has Changed (Chapter16)

Start from the beginning

"Thank you for reminding me." I chuckled as I took my daughter from him and kissed his cheek.

Liam cleared his throat, making me give him my attention. "I present to you, Colton Alexander Welsworth Styles." He said as he held Colton up. He had him in a blazer and dress pants.

"Liam. We're going shopping, not to a wedding." I giggled. "Although my little man does look quite dapper, doesn't he?"

"Okay what about this?" Liam asked as he held up a long sleeved onsie and jeans.

"Spot on, Liam." I gave him a thumbs up as I started packing their diaper bags. Liam quickly changed Colton and we were off.

We'd been shopping for about two hours when Louis got a call. "Meet you outside by the fountain? Okay. Be there in five." He was smiling when he hung up. "You need to buy those now, we can come back in a little while. Promise!" He hurried me.

"What about the others?" I asked. Louis and I had gone  a different store in search of TOMS for Colton, since Evy already had hers. I quickly paid, and Louis literally dragged me out of the store.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I was pulled through the city square.

"Fountain!" He smiled back at me, keeping a steadily fast pace until I saw Harry standing there nervously pulling at his clothes. 

"You're here!" He said, a small smile gracing his features.  "Look at these." He handed me a stack of photos of him and about 50 random slags. "Why am I looking at these?" I asked. "I know that you like to sample different girls." I handed him the pictures back.

"I promise you, Paisley. I'm not like that anymore. I'm not what I was when I first met you. I was young.  I was just trying to have my fun. I was completely blind to the fact that I was hurting anyone in the process. And I'm sorry that I ended up hurting you the most. I left you when you needed me. I'm ready to step up and be a man and take the blame for my actions. I'm ready for the responsibilities that I should've accepted when you first told me you were pregnant. I shouldn't have ran. I shouldn't have been a coward. I'm ready to be a dad. I'm ready to be responsible for the little life form that I helped create.   You changed me."

I felt him wrap his arms around me.

"I'm ready. I'm ready! I'm ready to not only be the dad that I know I'm capable of being. I'm ready to be the husband that you deserve. I'm ready to give you the world, Paisley. Everything I do from this day forward, I'm doing for you and the baby. I promise you I'm never going to hurt you like that again. Ever."

He dropped down to one knee in front of me, in the middle of the city square and pulled out a little white box. I closed my eyes, thinking that this was surely a dream and that I'd wake up before he asked the question I'd longed to hear, even though part of me was still angry with him.

"Paisley Jane Welsworth. The months that you wouldn't talk to me besides for when you were forced, were the longest months of my entire life. I spent every day thinking about how horribly I messed up and how long it would take before you'd take me back. And if you say no right now, I'll never stop trying to prove to you that I'm different. That I've grown up. That I'm head over heels in love with you and that you're the only girl I'll ever love. Paisley. Will you marry me?"

He grabbed my hand in one of his large, callused hands, and fumbled to open the box with the other. He finally got it open and waited for my answer.  My head was somewhere else, entirely. I was lost in my own thoughts. A battle with myself about how much of a dog he was, but how I still somewhat trusted him and so badly wanted to be with him for eternity.

"Pais?" He asked again.

I could almost see the tears that were forming behind his emerald eyes. He gave me a hopeful smile, his dimples showing slightly.  Slowly, a smile played on my lips as I nodded my head vigorously at him because I was at a complete loss for words. He slid the ring on to my finger, quickly, then he wrapped his arms around my waist again. He pulled me tight against his warm body, then kissed me hard on the lips.

Everyone in the square cheered as Harry hugged me tightly, murmuring "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" against my shoulder.

"I love you. And I love my..." He paused when he realized he didn't even know a thing about the baby... well babies. That he also didn't know.

"Son." I said as I ran a hand through his mess of curls. I felt him smile against my skin, lingering there for a moment. "And daughter." His head shot up as he looked at me with deer-in-headlight eyes.

"T-twins?" He asked as a giant smile spread across his face, from ear to ear. The dimples in his cheeks reappearing, but this time in full force. 

"Twins." I smiled.

"What are their names?" He asked.

"Colton Alexander and Evangeline Darcy." 

"It's not her first name, but it's good enough." He sighed happily as he swiped at his eyes.

"Harry, are you crying?" Louis asked. 

"Hell yes I am. I've got my perfect little family now." Harry was elated with joy as he held me tight. "When do I get to meet them?"

"How about... right now?" Gia and Monica said as they rounded the corner pushing the prams towards us.

"They look just like you." I said, feeling him squeeze me again. "Come on, go give your children a proper hello." I slipped out of his embrace and laced my fingers between his

. "I guess now I can't be the only girl you ever love, hm?" I giggled as I took Colton and Evy out of their prams, holding one child on each of my hips.

Harry's eyes lit up as he looked Colton over. "He's going to be a lady killer, just like his daddy." Harry said as he extended his arms toward the curly headed baby who looked hauntingly like him.

*Harry's P.O.V. *

I looked Colton over. He looked exactly like me. Even the hair, which remarkably, he had a lot of. And then at Evangeline. She was the cutest thing I'd ever seen.

"She's perfect." 

Dark hair, like Paisley had when she was younger, green eyes, like mine. She was all smiles, then again so was Colton. And so was Paisley.

"Hi babies. I'm your daddy." I smiled at the little cherubs.  "Can I hold her too?" I asked as Paisley played with Evangeline's tiny fingers.

"No, you can't hold your daughter, Harold." She laughed.

Oh, how I missed her laugh. Oh, how I missed every little thing about her.

  "Haz?" She asked, bringing me back to reality.

"Sorry, I was thinking. Now hand my girl over." I held my two children in my arms, just looking at their features.  They were the perfect blend of the both of us.

"My babies." I smiled as I continued to stare at them. It was hard to take my eyes off of them, but when I did, it was to look at Paisley.

"Our babies." She said softy as she took Colton back from me and hooked her arm around my body.  She looked up at me, those liquid-like brown eyes sparkling in the November sun light, her hair blowing around a bit in the wind.

"PERFECT PICTURE!" Niall and Gia bellowed as they looked at Niall's phone. 

"I WANNA SEE!" Rae yelped.

"I'm tweetin' it, hold on." Niall said as he taped on the screen.

Two seconds later my pocket pinged.

"@Harry_Styles nd his likkle family. Evan and Colt r 2 presh."

"Evan? Have you been calling my daughter Evan for three months?" Paisley asked as she looked at my cell phone.

"Yeah, if you'd gotten a twitter or any form of a social network, when I told you to, you'd have known." He shrugged.

"You couldn't have called her Evy like I do?" She really was annoyed at him, I could tell. 

"Hey." I said as I ducked my head down my her ear.

"Hm?" She looked up at me, smiling a little as soon as she found my eyes.

"Why are you getting annoyed?" I couldn't help but smile at her.

"Because now I know why people keep asking me how old my sons are."  I laughed a little.

"Oh, babe.  We'll just have to set them straight, huh?" 

"I guess we will."

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