I wish you good luck. I love you, son. You Dad will always be here for you. He loves you always and forever. Take care, Natsu Dragneel. The fate of humanity now lies within your hands. But the decision to continue will forever be your choice.

Your Dad who loves you the most,



The atmosphere was heavy with emotions and tension. They felt the love radiating from those words: the sorrow of departure, the pain of longing, the voice of hope.

Natsu shook. He bit his lips to prevent the tears of sadness. Master Makarov put his small hands on Natsu’s mop of salmon hair.

“It’s okay Natsu. Your Dad’s not forcing you to read further. You must be ready first.” Softly, he pets his hair.

He shook his head and forced a grin to them.

“No. He said it’d be better if I’m with you. And I know it’ll be better because you’re here. You’re my family.” Voice masked with force happiness and before they can speak, he already opened the next leaf.

We are the dragons. We are majestic creatures: proud, powerful, wise, ferocious, stubborn, understanding and restrained. We live in our own realm: beyond the clouds, beyond the stars and moon. We survived and live harmoniously because of our laws: laws that are intertwined with heavy punishments. You can lose a wing, a claw, scales, power and life if you defy the law. We thought its best this way: best to live in a restrained way than to be regarded as barbaric evil beasts. We thought it’d be perfect this way. But our thoughts became our undoing. We never saw it happening. We never anticipated it. It just… happened.

We dragons are grouped in a cluster depending on our kinds: fire dragons, water dragons, jade dragons, plant dragons and many more. In every cluster is a Group Leader and we call them as Clan Leader and the names to these groups depends on what dragon are you: Fire Kin, Shadow Kin, Iron Kin and many more. After being grouped in kin, we are grouped again into clusters depending on what type are you: elemental, mineral and many more. And among the Clan Leaders of every type is the Captain: the Leader of everyone in the group. Then amongst the Captains is the King of all Dragons. And I, Igneel of the Fire Kin, the Clan Leader, the Captain of the Elemental Community, had been the King of all dragons for centuries.

Many dragons wants to co-exist with the humans in Earthland because food resources were decelerating here in the Dragon Realm while the others wanted them dead so dragons will rule. I was against the idea of killing those humans. In the first place, Earthland was made for them to live on. The other dragons gave a chance to prove that we can co-exist with them. So I took a hundred and we flew down to the lands.

When we got there, they were terrified of us. They ran around like little ants. But I spoke to them and told them that we mean no harm. Back then, powerful wizards mean no matter but one of them, one of the most powerful stood up before me. He was a Blood Controller Mage:  very powerful type of power. He accepted our proposal and from then, the hundred dragons I brought with me flew to every continent of the Earthland to find their apprentice.

We don’t just pick a certain young human out of millions to be our apprentice. We feel a certain pull. If we meet that human, our minds would know. That’s how we choose. During those times, only few found their humans and so, every year, a different batch will flew to find their own. This continued for a hundred years.

After 109 years, my human was finally born. The moment he was made inside his mother’s womb, I already felt it. But because he was still too young, I can’t track his place. He was conceived in the middle of the summer months (Summer months here in the Philippines starts from March. It’s not really summer, it’s hot dry season.). Because you can’t really feel and track nor smell them until they were 3, I went back to the realm with the good news.

After three years, I was finally able to meet my human. He had pink hair, which he corrected as salmon, squinty black eyes with the interesting hint of green when lighted, pale tan skin and a very adorable personality. The moment I saw him, I already know that he’ll be great. Fate gave him a bright future. A future that we never knew would be tarnished with darkness and twisted love.

When he was five, he met a kid. A hair as dark as midnight and eyes as dark as the night. The kid was Zeref, a seven year old whose parents were killed with mages. I’ve felt his evil aura even then but whenever he was with Natsu, the evilness goes away. And so, I let him go. Zeref and Natsu became friends. They were brothers in Natsu’s eyes. But as the years dragged on, Zeref felt more than that. I never noticed him learning the dark arts. He had a very good way to hide his true aura. And when Natsu was fifteen, I tasted his power.

Natsu fell in love with an Ice mage. She was a very beautiful girl. Long hair of bluish black hair, pale complexion and navy blue eyes, Grace Yuki was indeed a beauty befitting my son. Natsu and Grace lived happily while Zeref wallowed in rage, envy, sorrow and pain. Day by day, he grew more evil and more and more until two years later, Natsu decided to marry Grace. I tried to warn him about his friend but he brushed it off and said that Zeref will never harm him. I held unto Zeref’s promise as a kid that he’ll never harm Natsu and tried to ease my heart. But then, on the day of the wedding, Zeref showed up with a Wind Dragon Slayer. He was the strongest slayer for he is the first dragon slayer. The Dragon Slayer slayed all of them. When Natsu’s parents tried to help, Zeref injured them badly. They didn’t die.

Natsu battled with the slayer first but his power was only a quarter to the ancient dragon. As he was busy with the slayer, whom I learned was Acnologia, Zeref took the liberty to kill Grace Yuki in front of Natsu’s battle worn body. Unfortunately that time, I was in the Dragon Realm because a problem arised. Kikoeru, one of the strongest, Captain of the Sound Dragons, along with his kin, raised rebellion. That day, the sound dragons, one with the most populace denied their rights to be ruled. Kikoeru managed to snatch away hundreds of dragons to stand by him and we had no other choice but to prepare for battle.

When they managed to get away from the realm, I immediately commanded them to put a spell around the realm. The only ones who can find and enter the realm will only be the dragons who stayed in the light. I flew to Earthland and what I saw etched in my memories. Dying civilians as I fought my way to Natsu and there, I saw Zeref killing Grace. Natsu was about to launch another attack but I snatched him away. I knew by then that if he finished the spell, he’ll be done for. He’ll die and I can’t let that happen.

I hid him in the mountains. I hid our scent and tracks. I comforted Natsu for a long time. When he told me what happened, I was enraged. Zeref was selfish. He wanted Natsu for himself. He wanted Natsu’s attention to be his and only his. He loved Natsu. He was obsessed with him.

And Natsu swore to kill him. He swore to get revenge for the people who died for his sake. And after weeks of rampage, Zeref stopped the war. He started looking for Natsu. And he started with his parents. His parents, Ochiru and Aki, were guarded with powerful mages after Zeref announced his search for Natsu. But even then, with just a few twist, words and flick, the mages burned down to ashes.

I hid my knowledge about what was happening in the city from Natsu. I don’t want him to go out there and sign his death warrant. But I guess secrets were meant be revealed. Natsu managed to learn the mind reading spell. He saw it all and that moment, he begged me to fly him to the city.

The moment he landed in the hospital’s roof, he called out to Zeref who was about to kill his parents. While I battle at the sky, Natsu battled at the grounds. Natsu tried to talk Zeref out of it but the darkness already consumed his heart. They fought but because Zeref was more advanced and powerful than Natsu, he was able to defeat him. When Natsu was about to be killed with a falling dragon, his father used the last of his strength to move Natsu out of the range of the falling dragon and Zeref used his magic to make the dragon go back to its out-of-the-egg-shell form. But because Ochiru moved Natsu, they miscalculated and Natsu received the spell meant for the dragon. The dragon fell towards Natsu’s parents and before Zeref can even catch Natsu, I went my way and took him away from the world. Before Zeref can even retort, we’re already beyond the clouds.

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