"... I see." Emorie didn't like how they didn't tell him where they would be living. He had been killed in that clearing, and the pixies must've seen him die there to know that he was dead and to move him. Maybe, he'd check there if he ever needed them again. Hopefully, he wouldn't. Right now, he wanted to focus on observing Hester's suffering and figuring out how to speak to (f/n). "What time is it now?"

"There are still a few hours before the sun rises," the female pixie from before mentioned. "But, you might want to be careful. The villagers might be looking for," she signaled over to Jacob, "him."

Unfortunately, that might be true. He had caused Hester to enter an unconscious state, but there was a good chance that she was up by now and alerting the others. Emorie smirked a little. Truly, he was curious as to what she would say to her parents. A monster came in and took her brother? Almost, he chuckled at the thought. She'd need good luck for them to believe that.

Rolling his neck side to side, it cracked in a few places, and he smirked cruelly. "I think that I should be fine." He was worried about being caught. At the same time, he wanted to test out just how elusive he could with his new abilities. It would be a good trial run since he would have ... have to kill others later on. The idea didn't sit well with him, but he wanted to live to be with (f/n) or at least protect her. Just thinking of her being alone and crying herself asleep pained him greatly, and he wanted to be there to comfort her if she'd still let him.

"I'll be leaving, then." He turned his back to the petite fae, who posed no objection to his leave. Rather, they were curious as to how he would go about spying on the villagers. They wanted to see their creation in action once more. Just how would his behavior change as he got closer to his beloved and fulfilled the other desires in him?

Within moments, he raced off, with the pieces of Jacob, and thought of the possibility of (f/n) coming to the cavern, but that would pose other issues. Her family might come looking for her if she didn't return home before sunrise. Not to mention that she'd have to keep the place a secret even if would be hard for the villagers to reach it given the river that ran through the cave. Besides, he'd rather not have to kill anymore villagers other than Hester. Perhaps, he'd be fine with killing Jetta due to what she did before.

As for the pixies, they followed after him several moments later. They hide among the maples and oaks and watch in excitement as they waited for their creation to make another move. Perhaps, their creation's beloved, though, would act first.

Some theorized that she would scream and run, which might cause the lettnex to give chase and accidentally attack her. Hopefully, he wouldn't kill her. Otherwise, he might come after them next. Other pixies thought that she would accept him, but it also would take her time to learn to love him again. If she did accept him, though, and they decided to have a child, they would only have a short time remaining together. A few of pixies laughed at the thought while others wondered if they should start working on a method of escape.

Magically, they were powerful. Physically, they were extremely weak. It was a disadvantage of bringing back the knight, and it was a massive risk. His speed practically matched theirs, and his strength overwhelmed them completely. If he caught one of them, he could crush them in less than a second. None of them wished to be turned into mush.

While the pixies chose viewing spots, which were now closer to Levonshire since no villagers were out yet, Emorie headed nearer to the village after he dropped off the pieces farther north. In particular, he went closer to blacksmith's. He hid behind some of the nearby trees and listened. Inside of the home, he could hear movement. It wasn't loud. Rather, he heard a pained groan come from the siblings' room. Ah, so she just was beginning to wake up.

Upon his lips formed a smirk, and his nails tapped lightly against the bark of the nearest tree. He'd be able to hear and witness the whole thing unfolding. If anything, he could watch her expression as she realized that her brother no longer was in the room with her. It'd be splendid, but he didn't want to be that risky. Not to mention that she'd have a harder time believing what actually had happened herself if he stayed out of sight.

Since he couldn't see into the home, he couldn't view the confusion that swept across Hester's countenance. Her brows furrowed, and she glanced around her slowly as though she remained in a dream. Lifting up her right hand to her head, she rubbed it a little to soothe the dull ache that came from it.

When she didn't see her brother in the room, she gradually got up to her feet. Her puzzled mind assumed that he had gotten up and was working the smithy already. She looked over to the window. The shutters were closed, and it looked too dark outside through the cracks in them. There usually would be some light when Jacob went out to help their father. Her confusion rising, she focused on the windows more until she spotted the broken latch.

Immediately, things clicked into place, and her dark brown eyes widened in horror. "No," she whispered to herself. What she remembered couldn't be true; it just couldn't be! Images of that hand on their windowsill and of something racing into their room before her head was pressed against the pillow entered her mind. She recalled things going dark soon after. "Jacob!" she called out softly even if part of her knew it was no use. Hester opened her room door and called for her brother again. Still, she received no answer, and a terrible pit began to form in her stomach.

Infectious Crimson (M. Yandere x Fem. Reader)Where stories live. Discover now