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She came home, thinking that he was already back from work. "I'm home!" She called out. No response. Confused, she set her purse down and went to look for her fiancé who was sure to be home by now. The creaking of the bed coming from her bedroom froze her.

It couldn't be.

He wouldn't.



Her feet tapped on the wood floor, each step sent chills up and down her spine. She held her breath as the creaking got louder and louder, the area reeked of sex. Gasps and moans filled the air around her, tears welling up in the corners of her eyes as she put her hand on the doorknob. Trembling, she opened the door.

When she looked up at the bed, there he was...

Sleeping with another girl.

[Y/N] jolted up out of bed, her breathing was uneven, and tears were streaming down her face. She ran her fingers through her [hair color] hair, wiping the sweat off of her forehead in the process. Still with shaky breaths, she looked to her right to see her fiancé stirring awake. He fluttered his eyes open and adjusted to the dark before grabbing his glasses off of the nightstand and slipping them on. "What's wrong?"

Instead of answering, [Y/N] launched herself at the male, wrapping her arms around his torso, squeezing him tight. She didn't want to let go as if it was the end of the world. Her tears wet his shirt but she didn't care; nor did he. Gently, he wrapped his arms around her as well, kissing the crown of her head. "Bad dream?" He asked softly.

She nodded without looking up. Her grip became tighter as he ran his slim fingers through her hair. "Whatever it is, I'm here. I won't leave you. I promise. Late do you want to talk about it?" Another nod. "Okay, take your time."

After a couple of minutes passed, [Y/N] looked up at Tsukishima and opened her mouth to speak. "I had a dream that you slept with another girl when I was gone... Please don't leave me." The clear liquid rimmed around her eyes once again, threatening to spew once more.

Tsukishima let out a small sigh. With his index finger, he lifted her chin up and planted a small kiss on her lips. "What are you talking about? I would never leave you for someone else. You might have annoyed the crap out of me, but you're the one I fell in love with." He motioned to the counter in front of their bed. The faint glow of her engagement ring glimmering against the moonlight that spilled into the room through the thin curtains. "I gave that to you because I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, not somebody else."

A smile appeared on her lips as she nodded in content. "I know, I'm sorry." She put her head back down on his chest and let out a sigh of relief.

"Don't be sorry, love. Dreams happen, there's no stopping them. Just remember that I'm always going to be there for you. And I'll never leave you." He noticed the female was drifting back off to sleep so he pulled the duvet over their bodies and put his glasses away. "I love you."


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dear readers,

this is the official end of server

i would like to thank all of my precious readers for reading this book, whether you enjoyed it or not. it means the world to me that you clicked on this- i love you all so much

i also want to thank keisgf for the main plot of this story

i love all of you from the bottom of my heart <3

stay safe baes!

until next time...

bye bye!


SERVER; k. tsukishimaWhere stories live. Discover now