21; kento my beloved

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a/n- warning: messy chapter (it wasn't planned out good im sorry)


inarizaki + y/n

hey hoes

i'm here

someone open the door

akiteru and tsukki left me

pls open the door

it's dark and i'm scared

it's unlocked just come in


suna and kento are here





"KENTO BAE!!!" [Y/N] ran into the house and looked for the male that matched the picture sent a couple weeks ago. She ran to him and hugged him. (Even though she hasn't met him before.)

"Holy shit you're taller in person." She looked up to make eye contact with Kento. "Yer not even gonna say hello to yer own brothers?"

That was Atsumu.

"No." [Y/N] stuck out her tongue and ran to Suna who was sitting on the couch, unaware that the first year was about to tackle him. "SUNAAAA!!" She flung herself at him, causing his phone to fly in the air. Luckily, Kento caught it.

"What the fuck [Y/N]." Suna pushed her off of him, she landed on the floor with a 'thump!'


After settling in, it was bedtime. The boys (TM) were sleeping in the living room while [Y/N] was in her childhood bedroom. Because of her not being in there for so long, it was pretty much empty. Most of the things there were things she might forget when coming to visit Hyogo.

It was 2 am. [Y/N] couldn't sleep despite Hyogo being in the same time zone as Miyagi. She decided to go downstairs and put fake spiders in Atsumu's water.

However, when she went to go down, she saw Kento on his phone. "Kentooooo." She whispered scaring the crap out of the poor male. He flinched at the sound of his name, turning around to be face to face with [Y/N].


"Can we talk? Please."

Kento got up from the couch and followed [Y/N] outside. They sat down on the swing chairs (I have no idea what they're called). "So what did you wanna talk about?" The moonlight reflected off of his pale skin, brightening his green eyes, and giving a shine to his raven-colored hair.

"Well... I don't know how to confess to Tsukishima. I don't know if he even sees me in that way. I know you knocked some sense into me, but I'm still insecure about it. What if he stops being my friend? What if he hates me? I'm scared of butchering our friendship because I caught feelings." She ranted. "And, what if he never wants to see me again and moves to Antarctica to live with the penguins because he hates me."

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