19; road trip - pt 1

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a/n- damn chapter 20 already 😰 i appreciate everyone who's stuck with this story since day 1- i'm thinking of making this 30-40 chapters but i don't know

anyway, here's a normal chapter

also sorry for not updating yesterday, i didn't want to give y'all a shitty chapter :)

4:30 am

"Tsukki. Wake up." [Y/N] who was sleeping on the bed, rolled off and shook Tsukishima who slept on the futon on the floor. "Wake up. We have to leave at 6." She shook the blonde again, poking at his face until his eyes fluttered open.

He normally didn't wake up till 5:30 am. So he wasn't too happy that [Y/N] had woken him up an hour earlier. Nor was she happy that Akiteru was driving her to Hyogo, and he had to come along.

"What time is it?" Tsukishima got up from the futon, he patted the table for his glasses. Once he found it, he slid them on and looked at the alarm clock sitting on his nightstand. "4:35 am." He muttered to himself. "Get your clothes and get out. Don't come back until I open the door."

[Y/N] nodded and grabbed her bag next to her suitcase. She walked down the hall into the guest bathroom and closed the door. She dug into the small backpack for her makeup bag that held all of her hygienic necessities. After brushing her teeth and washing her face, she threw on an oversized hoodie (that may have been stolen from Tsukishima) and soft gray sweatpants. She perished her hair, put away her things, and walked out of the bathroom.

When she made it back to Tsukishima's room, the door was open. She allowed herself in and sat on the bed, wondering where the middle blocker went. Scanning his room, she looked at all the books neatly placed in their selective places on the shelf to the right of her. His desk was organized, his dinosaur figures were dusted and well taken care of.

About 3 minutes passed when Tsukishima walked into his bedroom. He saw [Y/N] lying down on the bed, her face buried into his pillow. "Come on. It's 5 am. Akiteru is picking up breakfast before we leave in an hour or so." He said tapping her shoulder.

The [hair color] hair girl rolled onto her back and looked at Tsukishima. "Is that my hoodie?" He asked when he saw the small moon embroidered on the left side of her chest of the purple hoodie.

"Maybe. I'll give it back when I come back to Miyagi." [Y/N] got off the bed. She watched Tsukishima make his bed and the two left the room.

5:45 am

15 minutes left till they had to get on the road. Tsukishima and [Y/N] were sitting on the couch watching TV. Akiteru was getting ready for the long drive. He and his younger brother was going to stay in a hotel in Hyogo for the night, and drive back to Miyagi first thing in the morning. "Shall we go now?" The strawberry blonde asked as he walked down the stairs, a heavy bag slung over his shoulders.

"Sure!" [Y/N] replied as Tsukishima turned off the TV. She ran into his room and grabbed her things, then followed the two brothers to the car. Akiteru put [Y/N]'s suitcase in the trunk of the car. Her backpack was going to sit on the ground by her feet.

The three of them got into the car, [Y/N] and Tsukishima in the back while Akiteru drove. His car wasn't exactly spacious, kind of cramped but it was alright. [Y/N] was grateful that he was nice enough to drive her from Miyagi all the way to Hyogo.

Tsukishima had his headphones on, [Y/N] stared out the window as Akiteru backed out of the driveway. The radio was off, a not so awkward silence cast upon them.

6:30 am

After about half an hour of driving, [Y/N] got sleepy. Waking up early wasn't her thing. She was also cramped up. So she poked Tsukishima's shoulder. He removed his headphones and looked at her with an annoyed face. "What?"

"Can I lean on you? Please." She asked very politely.


She was a little taken aback since she didn't think he'd say yes. She took her seatbelt off and slid over to the middle seat, quickly putting her seatbelt back on. She felt his warmth the moment her head hit his shoulder.

Her eyes felt heavy as they slowly began to close. She felt the car's AC blow a soft breeze as she fell unconscious.

Tsukishima on the other hand was panicking. He's never been this close to [Y/N]. So he texted Yamaguchi.





y/n's sleeping on my shoulder

awww did you confess yet?


she's just cramped up in the car



keep her safe


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sorry if my- sorry OUR- bae tsukki is ooc


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