'You can't leave me ever again okay?'I nodded still not removing myself from him

'It's been years I've been so worried about you where have you been who on earth are these people why did you leave me?' He said hugging back sobbing into my shoulder

'I'm sorry Grian' I mumbled just loud enough for him to hear

'It's okay bud I'm just happy your okay after that message I honestly thought yknow, let's say I thought the worst but I'm so happy your okay I never gave up trying to find you Toms'

I nodded wiping the tears from my face

Grian put me down and stood up his height still being ridiculously short for his age

'Uhm hi I'm Grian Tommy's cousin who are you'se?' He said slightly wary of techno and Wilbur

'we are his adoptive brothers' techno said with a smile

'Oh- okay' he looked at me where I was hugging his side and asked 'are they okay?'

I nodded to him as he smiled

'Alright toms can I catch up with you I wanna know how you've been and that'

I looked to techno him nodding slightly

I smiled as we went to sit on the park bench opposite the fountain

And Wilbur and techno sat on one the other side to give us some privacy

'So Toms what's been happening with you'

I began to explain

Grian just sat listening happy to be back in my presence

'I've been safe it was hard at the beginning but I'm doing better now'
I carried on rambling

'That is so great to hear I'm so proud of how strong you are Tommy'

I smiled hugging him as we both got up

'I'm really sorry bubs I've gotta run home please keep talking to me'

I nodded smiling as he went over to techno and Wil

'Thanks for keeping him safe he's a good kid please take my number and keep in touch'

'wait how old are you?' Wilbur asked slightly confused at how old Grian acted

'I'm about to turn 17 the heights deceiving'

I stifled my laugh slightly as we got up and headed to the car

'So Tommy are you okay?' Techno asked as I brought my phone out

-yeah honestly this is the best I've been in years

I wrote as Wilbur read it out for techno

'Good to hear kiddo Phil might ask about where we've been so you mind explaining it to him I already let him know we went for a drive n that he was cool with it'

I nodded the smile not leaving my face

We got back to the house not long after as techno opened the door

Wilbur stepped in first hanging his coat and beanie at the door along with techno who hung his car keys

'Hey kids you all okay?'

The other two nodded heading to there rooms seemingly tired as I sat on the sofa still not over the fact I had finally seen him again

'So I'm guessing you had a good time where did you go?' Phil asked me laughing slightly at how bubbly I seemed

I pulled my phone out writing
-I went to see my cousin I haven't seen him in so so long he's so amazing and I've missed him so much he's like literally the best he thought something bad had happened to me so I went to see him'

I gave the phone to him waiting for him to read it

'Oh that's nice Tommy I'm glad you got to see him if you ever want to again do let me know I won't mind'

I nodded smiling Phil seeming satisfied with the reason

'Alright get some sleep now will ya'

I laughed slightly standing going to leave

I quickly turned back writing on my phone
-Thanks for Everything Phil

He smiled saying 'no problem kid your part of the family now'

I smiled and left a warm feeling growing inside me

Maybe I'm safe here..

I had forgotten that I hadn't unpacked yet I settled for doing it tomorrow

I put my phone back on charge put a hoodie and joggers on and went asleep.

'Messed Up' sbi adoption auWhere stories live. Discover now