She cringes, "Please call me Clarissa, or at least Miss Lenoir. I am not used to having such a title, and no one else uses it," 

"No," Daniel says harshly, butting into their discussion and sending his guard a dangerous glare.  

John bows his head to his master and smiles at her, "If you will allow it, your grace, I will continue to call you as such," 

Clarissa nods in understanding, giving her husband an evil side-eye. Phill finishes talking about the week's imports, and the whole room goes quiet, turning their attention to the duke and the duchess sitting on his lap. 

"Are you prepared for tomorrow?" Daniel asks Chuck, who bows his head in silent confirmation. 

"We inspected the advantage point yesterday," Peter says, "He knows where to be," 

"I also cased my position a few days ago," John says, "The calculations were correct, 8 meters from the balcony to the corner. It should be a smooth shot all things considered," 

Daniel nods, running a hand across his chin, "Good. We need to stagger our arrival times but also leave enough time for all of us to comfortably get into position. Chuck, you should arrive first, at 7 am," He reaches to his side and lifts a heavy case onto the table. He slides it along to the bartender, "This should do the job," 

Chuck opens the shiny case and inspects the contents as Clarissa cranes her neck to get a better look. 

"It's a Kentucky Rifle," Daniel informs him, "Straight from across the sea," 

Chuck takes the long rifle out of the case, running his hand from muzzle to butt. He swiftly swaps into his right hand and pretends to take a shot, looking straight down the barrel. He places it back in the case and shuts it. 

"It's ideal," He says gruffly, placing it on the floor.

"Excellent," Daniel nods, "Then George will arrive at his lookout position at 7:20. We will update him this evening as he is busy right now, running a few errands for tomorrow." He turns to John, "Then you will arrive at your post at 7:35. Clarissa..." He looks expectantly at her. 

She leans to the right and pulls a smaller leather case onto the table. She flicks the hinges and opens it, turning it around. Everyone seems to hold their breath as they lean closer to take a better look at the pistol resting on a red velvet pillow. The handle is made of the finest polished wood and the metalwork has been delicately engraved. Even Florence, who has little appreciation for guns, is in awe of the craftsmanship. 

"It's beautiful," John murmers, picking it up and testing the weight in his hand, "Are you sure I can use this?" 

"Take it, I won't miss it," She says, pushing the case towards him, eyeing the pistol with distaste. John bows his head, replacing the weapon and firmly shutting the case. He places at his side, his foot placed protectively in front. 

He looks to the duke and duchess grimly, "I won't miss," 

"I know you won't," Daniel replies.

Clarissa nods, "I will then enter the seamstress's shop at 7:45 and you will hide in the backyard at 7:50," She pauses, looking at her husband, "And then we wait," 

"It should be all over before 8:30," He concludes, looking around, "Any questions?" 

Everyone shakes their heads, their part clear in their minds. 

"Good," The duke looks pleased. 

"If there is nothing else that needs to be discussed then we have a patrol meeting to get to," Phill says with a glance at John, who rises to his feet. 

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