"I don't sir, but I was sent here to tell you to come," Simon says frantically, his thin face full of terror, "And to get you to come no matter what,"

"Who gave the order?" Clarissa asks, getting out of the bed and lighting another candle. The warm light floods the room, sending shadows spiralling across the furniture. 

"Peter and John miss," Simon replies. She frowns, turning to Daniel. 

"Jack and Tim are on watch tonight," She says, "So this isn't about them, and they wouldn't both ask for us unless it was serious,"

He nods grimly, his mind on the same path. There is a pause and then he turns to the boy, releasing his shoulders, "We will leave immediately. Follow the stairs down and take a right to the servants quarters and tell them to ready my horse."

Simon nods and wastes no time in rushing from the room. Daniel sighs, running a hand through his hair and Clarissa raises the candle so she can see his face better. 

"What do you think it is?" 

He shakes his head, directing her in the direction of her dressing room, "Get dressed and bring a coat,  and then meet me outside," 

Clarissa doesn't hesitate, she hurries to her wardrobe and dresses as quickly as she is able in the half-light. She pulls out a long navy coat and puts it on, buttoning it all the way to the top.  As she leaves, she picks up a ribbon from her dressing table and ties it into her hair, keeping the wild unbrushed locks at bay.

The crisp cold early morning air hits her in the face as she steps outside. Daniel has already mounted a large grey steed held by one of the servants. He reaches down and helps her onto the saddle behind him. She wraps her arms around his waist and tucks her face into the soft material of his jacket. She hears him mutter to the servant and then he urges the horse forward. The horse trots out of the open gate and then they move into a canter.  They tear down the streets, flying past closed shops and dark houses. The rhythm of the hooves and the early morning air is too familiar to Clarissa's last disaster, and it has created a sick feeling in her stomach. The streets are quiet, eerily so, with most of the shops and houses dark, and sleeping and a light fog lingers in the air, trapping the light from the dim lamps and casting it below.

Kingsway is in The City, roughly 2.5 miles away from Lygon Place so it takes them 20 minutes to arrive in the right area. Daniel slows the horse to a stop when he sees Peter standing on the corner of the street. He dismounts, only slowing to help Clarissa down, before marching over to her godfather and seizing him by the scruff.

"What the hell has happened? What is going on?" He demands, shaking the older man. Clarissa steps forward to intervene but Peter doesn't react, he just looks at the duke with a regretful expression.

"I am deeply sorry, your grace," He says, lowering his eyes to the ground. Daniel frowns at him, tightening his grip and casting a look around the cobbles. Some shouting comes from the next street and it startles the horse into rearing up. Clarissa is instantly at the animal's side, soothing him in a lowered voice, stroking his long neck. The horse paws the ground but settles back down, snorting. Daniel checks that she is fine before turning back to Peter to continue the questioning. 


"My duke," John Francis appears on the corner of the street, his hands behind his back. Daniel drops Peter, pushing past him and walking over to his man. 

"What is going on?" 

John looks away, pursing his lip, struggling for words, "You have to see this," 

Clarissa pushes the horse's reins into Peter's hand and marches to her husband's side. 

"What's happened?" She asks, but John just shakes his head and gestures for them to follow him. He leads them around the corner onto Kingswell and then Clarissa feels her heart stop. 

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