↠ thirteen

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Ashley POV: 

Today is the day im flying to America with Toby and Tommy! Im waiting in the livingroom for them to pick me up. 

The bell rings, I hear my dad open the door and greet Tobys dad, I grab my luggage and run to the front door.

Tommy and Toby are there, waiting for me, I go to hug the boys, Tommy laughs, "Did u miss me Ashley?" I let go, "How can I miss a stupid Brittish child? No I did not!" And I immediately run away, "You take that back-" Tommy says running after me.

"No thanks Tommy! I told the truth you know!" I say while running to Toby, "Tubbs, you gotta help me here- hes way to fast..." I say, catching my breath. Toby laughs, "Tommy, stop running after her, she was just kidding big guy!"

-Time skip-

"Were here guys!" Toby's dad says while getting out of the car to get our luggage. We all get out, getting our own luggage. We are a bit early, so we go to a shop and buy some food. 

We sit down at a small table and enjoy the food, "What seat do you guys have?" Toby Asks. We look down at the Tickets, "I have seat 8B, Tommy 8A and Toby 8C, "I think they are next to each other! yess!" I say. Toby sighs, "Thank goodness, I really dont want to sit alone in the plane.." Tommy pats him on the head, "Its gonna be okay Tubbo, we are gonna be fine!" 

Our plane gets called, "Lets go!!" Tommy says, getting his luggage.

-Time skip-

We took our places in the plane, I notice Toby breathing heavily, "Tubbs, you okay?" I ask him softly, "He looks at me with a slight fear in his eyes, "Oh, uhm yeah, im fine, just a bit uhh- scared of planes...!" I take his hand, "Tubbs, its gonna be okay, we are here with you!" He looks at me, "I know, thank you.. I love you." He quietly says, I squeeze his hand a bit, "I love you to Tubbs." 

"EYOOO Did I hear that right!?" Tommy almost screams, shoot, he mustve heard- "Shut up child!" I saw, turning around to face him, "You are younger then me!!!" I laugh, "You're still a child."

-another Time skip-

"Kids, over here!" A blonde man with a green hoodie screams across the airplane, "Is that dream?" I ask Toby. "Yeah I think so, I never saw him, but Will and Niki are with him so I guess so." We walk over to the group, Toby holding my hand as we get there. "Hi guys!" Niki says whilst running towards us, and pulling us into a hug.

"Hi Niki!! Its so good to see you again!"I say while hugging her. "Its been a minute, im glad to see you to!" Niki says smiling

"Hey, Ash! Good to see you again!" Wilbur says whilst giving me a hug. "Its great to see you to! I missed you guys!" Niki smiles, "We missed you guys to!"

Dream walks up to me, after talking to the guys for a minute, "Am I not getting a hug?"He says with puppy eyes." I look up at him, its so weird to actually see him in real life! "Normally I dont hug strangers but sure." I say, and give him a hug. It feels natural, like they are my family! 

"We should go now, I think people are recognising us!" Dream says whilst covering his face with a face mask. We grab our luggage and walk out of the building, to Wilburs van, where we can all fit in, Tommy, Tubbo and I are all in the back again, Tubbo in the middle.  Wilbur and Niki up front, and Dream in the middle row. 

"Are we gonna pick up more people?" Tommy asks. "Yeah, we are now driving to where George is staying, and we are gonna pick up Ranboo to, Karl, Sapnap, Fundy and Bad are already at the house I rented." Dream answers. "Uh oh, Niki, we will be the only girls!" I laugh, Tommy scoffs, "Not true, George is gonna be here to!" Dream immediately turns around and starts yelling at Tommy.

I look over at Tubbo, "Is this how its gonna be everyday?" "I think so, yes." He laughs. I take my phone and earbuds out of my bag, put one earbud in, and put some music on, I lay my head on Tobys shoulder and give him the other earbud. "What do you want to listen Tubs?" He takes the earbud and puts it in his ear, "Just put something on, you have amasing music taste!" "Aww thanks Tubs!" I put on my favorite playlist, Sweater weather starts playing. 

After a few minutes, Im almost falling asleep, I cuddle up with Toby and drift off to a short sleep. I dont even realise that an hour later, we were at Ranboos house, with George already picked up. I slowly move my head up, "Hi Ashley! Did you sleep well?" I hear an unfamiliar voice ask. Its George, "Oh, Hi! I slept good, thanks. You must be George?" He smiles, "Yes I am, pleasure to meet you!" He answers, with his Brittish accent. 

A few minutes later, another person gets in wich i have never seen. "Hi Guys!" I recognise the voice, Its Ranboo.

~Word count: 904

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