~ Chapter 5 ~

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* Anaya's POV *

Me and Hayes are playing the Wii U when we hear the house phone ring.

" I got." I pause the game and get off the couch to answer the phone

* The Phone Call *
(A= Anaya O= other end of the line)

A: hello

O: hello this is Monica from Hollywood dance and performance academy and we are happy to inform you that we would love for you to come for an audition.

A: Oh my gosh thank you so much!

O: No problem sweetie, just be hear at 9:30 am on Thursday for the audition.

A: ok, and thanks again.

*Call ended *

Hayes is laying down on the couch waiting for me while playing candy crush on his phone.

I jump on him and he laughs trying to get me off but I want his full attention when I tell him.

"Get off of me you might be a girl but that doesn't mean that 115 pounds isn't heavy!"
He says while laughing hysterically.

"No! I need your undivided attention!"

" So tell me I'm listening. "

"Well...I just got a phone call and guess who it was from."

"Ummm.... Justin Bieber!"

"No, I wish but no" I laugh and so does he.

"Um I don't know just tell me."

"No you have to guess.......well if you insist! " I can't hold it in anymore.

" Monica from Hollywood dance and performance academy called and said I got the audition ." I have the biggest smile on my face and can't help it I'm just so happy and excited.

* Hayes's POV *

"Wow that's amazing Anaya!" I get up and huged her spinning in a circle. I put her down and stare at her without realizing it.

"What" she ask smiling because she is obviously still excited.

"Nothing it's just...." I started to trail off.

"Just what?"

"It's just you are so amazing and perfect." not being able to resist the urge. I kissed her.

I was surprised when she started to kiss back. our lips moved perfectly in sync and were the perfect size for each other. she was also the perfect height so she did have to stand on her tipi toes a little but not to much. I felt enough sparks flying to burn the house down. I felt like I was in a movie and it was just us in the world.

The kiss lasted for about 3 and a half minutes when she pulled away to get air and her arms were around my neck. we rested our foreheads together and just stood like that.

She started to smile uncontrollably. it was so cute.



"I really like you"

Now I was the one smiling like a freak.

"I really like you too"

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