~ Chapter 2 ~

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Towards the end of the basketball game. I was dribbling in front of hayes and he had his arms up to make sure I don't make the shoot. He is taller than me so I know that it would be hard so I tried something else. I faked right and made a sharp turn to go around his left side while still dribbling. I was close enough to the basket, so I jumped and did a slam dunk. I have never even attempted to do that before so I was very proud of myself.

I turned around with a huge smile on my face. Hayes just stared at me with his jaw on the floor.

" WOW!!"

He was just as shocked as I was.

"So does that prove that I'm better than you" I said with a laugh.

"Well sadly yes. And now I am going inside to eat away my shame, that a girl just demolished me in basketball." He laughed.

And with that, he went inside and I followed. He made Pop corn and sat on the couch. We where about to watch Step Up Revolution. He was sitting in the middle of the couch so I layed down with my legs across his lap.

~ The Next Day ~

* Hayes's POV *

I woke up on the couch with Anaya on the other side. We have school today, but we don't exactly go to a normal school. We don't have math and Spanish class and stuff. instead we have Drama, Art, Dance etc. (A/N: it's kind of like the school in that show Victourious. But not exactly it's a little different. And sorry if I spelled the name of the show wrong.)

It's 7:30 and school starts at 8:20, so I decide to wake up Anaya so we would have time to eat.

Anaya and I sleep over at each others house a lot so we both decided to keep one draw in our room for the others clothes.

"Anaya wake up!"

She didn't budge so I went and got a pair of Wills dirty socks and throw it one her face.

"Oh my god!"

She jolts up in disgust, and I just sit there laughing my head off.

She throw the sock at my and got ready for school.

I went up stairs with her to my room and she was already looking throw her drawer. She pulled out white sweat pants and a black crop top that said
"Obey The Queen" she put a red and white bandana in her hair and put on red black and white jordan'

She has a very unique tast in clothes for a girl but sometimes she would dress more girl. it depends on her mood. same with me. one day I'll be wearing Jordan's and the next I'll be wearing vans. it all depends on how I feel.

I put on a blue shirt and black shorts with my black and blue Nike's.

We ate breakfast and went to school.

* Anaya's POV *

Me and Hayes had art first so we went straight there. my and Hayes like to enjoy our day but don't like getting into trouble so we sit behind the middle row at the end.

In the back row sat the people who are constantly getting in trouble Ashley, Jaiden, Canden, Anisah and Joel. They call themselves The Wild Ones (T.W.O).

We sat in next to our squad Amanda, Jacob, Sam, Kelsey. When class started the teacher walked in and introduced us to the new category. Graffiti.

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