chapter 8

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Friends are surely something. One day they run around with you, crack inside jokes and laugh while they spit their soda out while you jocked about something that happened recently and then.. the next minute they left.

"I found a new friend" you looked at their smiling faces. They were happy, clearly enjoying themselves.

"Yeah" you thought. "New friends"

But then.. somehow.. they left. When did it happen? Who knows at this point.

Your teenage days are over and your friends chose someone else.

In the end you never got to do anything.

You guys never went to a zoo or clothes shopping or trying out new ways to play with the laws.

Was it all a waste then? Was it pointless? All the time you spent trying to live your life.

In the end, maybe it was.

But.. maybe it was for the best... after all.. even if I never got to have a life outside the lab... I met him that way.

Nagito sat on the cleaned up floor and looked through the bags Kamukura brought with him, while Kamukura did the same with Komaeda's medicine bag.

The blackanett looked through the small bottles and checked them on any toxic chemicals or scams, which appeared to be fine and healthy to take though.

And so, he put the plastic bottles onto the nightstand next to the bed.

As he did so he side glanced Komaeda who was looking through the clothing bag as if to find something to his liking. Which he obviesly would. Kamukura baught them after Nagito's taste after all.

Tho he did buy a new pair of shoes since the ultimate designer, model, photographer, painter and so on inside od him didn't necessarily... like, the shoes Nagito chose to wear.

He does believe that Nagito should decide for himself in the end but the offer would definetly stay up. Definetly.

Nagito saw Kamukura sit back down and stare around the room as he continued to fold the new clothes. He finds them rather nice. He would have definetly chosen the same. Kamukura baught them, it's not surprising he'd know his taste in clothes. Tho he did question why Kamukura would bother to look for something in his style.

Quinsidence maybe? Yeah most likely. After all, the albino could never imagine Kamukura to waste his time on him.
As much as this wouldn't be the truth and somw part of himself knew so, he chose to ignore it saying "Even if he would, I don't deserve it"

As all of the clothing was in place (Naguto hid them under the bed since the "closet" was full with their food supplies. They.. didn't have a kitchen after all. For some reason the building constructors didn't think of that), Nagito stood back up and faced Kamulura who laied down by now and watched the wall infront of him.

And he always complains about being bored. No wonder if he keeps staring at paint drying all day.

Komaeda wasn't sure what he should do exactly. Kamukura and him are basicly strangers. Well to some extent. Sure they knew eachother and Nagito is slowly getting his memories back but to him it feels.. out of place. Since the Nagito Kamukura knew wasn't him anymore.

What is Kamukura hated him for forgetting? What if he wasn't usefull anymore? What if he won't be able to do anything? What if he'd fail? What if Kamukura threw him out? What would he do then? Could he live on the streets? AGAIN?? would someone kill him? Would someone take him in? What if he'd fall in a hole and couse a mass chaos while trying to get out? Maybe he should just.. just stay there and not move untill Kamukura decides something. Yeah. Yeah that'd help him out.

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