"How about we conduct a DNA test and you see for yourself!" Lanre suggested.

Tunji folded his arms across his chest, "Really? That's definitely not gonna happen. She will find her way and bribe the doctors into changing the results!"

"How would she do that? It's just impossible, she would need a very strong connection which I know she doesn't have."

"You are so foolish! She is Jasmine James, Port Harcourt finesse. She is connected and connection is her!"

"She was Jasmine James. Her name is Mofadesewa," Lanre defended.

"You are so foolish, aren't you? She was Jasmine James, her name is Mofadesewa," Tunji mimicked in an annoying babyish voice.

"What if the result turns out negative Lanre, will you leave her? Because at this rate I feel she has blackmailed you with the thought that you are the child's father. So tell me, what if you are not?" Tunji asked.

"What if I am. Would you approve of us?" Lanre retorted.

Tunji placed his hand on his jaw as he thought through his brother's words. "Okay then, if it is, I will give up and wish you the best of luck but I'm sorry I won't be blessing your marriage."

Lanre heaved a sigh, at last they were getting somewhere.

When the result came out, Tunji found out Lanre was indeed the father of pearl. He found it hard to believe. He walked out of the hospital when he saw it, avoiding any questions from Lanre.

Lanre had not told Sewa of his DNA test behind her back as he didn't want her to feel he didn't trust her, reason he did so.

Lanre left Tunji for that day to get his thoughts together and went to meet him the next day. He literally went on his knees begging for his brother's approval.

Tunji loved his brother and although it would take a long time for him to finally accept Sewa, he gave in but his words were; if by chance you ever come to me to complain about your regrets, I will kill you.

Lanre kept that word in his heart but rejoiced and thanked the Lord for changing his brother's mind. Having his brother's approval meant it wouldn't be hard to convince his mother.

Sewa held pearl in her hands as she walked towards Lanre's car. He texted her to tell her he was outside her building a minute ago.

He was elated seeing them together. A big grin formed on his face when she saw Pearl's beautiful face; she was the complete replica of her mother but the cute version. He never thought any other woman apart from Sewa would stun him so much.

"Pearl say Good morning," Sewa tells Pearl and she did as told.

"Good morning," Pearl said.

He and Pearl have seen each other before but Sewa had told him to give her time before she would tell Pearl he was her daddy. He came to visit Sewa last week with candy, toys and foodstuffs for Pearl and that was how he stylishly took a strand of her hair while she was sleeping.

Pearl paid no attention to him nor to her mother as she wrapped her little arms around her mother's neck. Lanre found it cute and also wanted to feel how it would be like having his daughter in his arms.

"Happy Easter," he finally greeted Sewa, moving closer to kiss her on her cheek.

She blushed, "Same love," she whispered when she called him love. She felt butterflies dance in the pit of her belly from his touch.

He opened his car for her, letting Pearl and her inside before he got in and drove off.

They arrived at Apapa amusement park and as usual, the place was bustling. Screams of people in the merry-go-round could be heard and Pearl was elated.

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