Chapter 13: Relentless Pursuer

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A/N: I didn't like this chapter at all...whatever. Sorry it took so long. My computer was being stupid, and wouldn't upload. But, good news is, I have several chapters of Escaping Darkness now. So I'm not backloaded on writing. :) Refavoment, please!


The next few months were relatively peaceful, for Hogwarts anyways. There were still rumored sightings of He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named, but so far the Dark lord had not done anything significant.

Still, it made Harry rather nervous. It was odd, for nothing to be happening. Draco had not been summoned since the first incident, and there had been no more mention of his ordeal. But Harry knew that the danger of a spy was still very much real. And he knew that both he, and Draco, hadn't stopped thinking about the spy, wondering who it was, and wondering what their motives were.

Draco was nervous about the calm as well, though he'd never admit it. It's the calm before the storm, he would think to himself.

Finally, both boys relaxed, thankful for the respite from their torments. Nightmares had dwindled, and all was finally as peaceful as it could get. They could focus on schoolwork, their new friendship (which was quickly growing stronger, even on the parts of Hermione, Ron, and the Slytherin posse), and the upcoming Hogsmeade trip.

The weekend before the trip found the Golden Trio and the Slytherin Circle walking down by the black lake, talking with an ease that had not been seen before, at least between the two rival houses.

"Are you guys as excited for the Hogsmeade trip as I am?" Pansy chattered excitedly. Hermione nodded enthusiastically.

"I'm looking forward to a nice mug of warm butterbeer," she grinned. The two girls proceeded to chat about various shopping activities, wondering whether there would be anything worth mentioning in the various shops, and hoping that their allowances would hold out.

The guys rolled their eyes at the two girls, and turned to each other.

"I definitely could use some new Quidditch supplies," Harry mused. Blaise grinned in agreement.

"I need to get a new broom servicing kit," Draco chuckled. It was Pansy and Hermione's turn to roll their eyes at the guys.

"Boys and their love of Quidditch," Pansy muttered to Hermione. The bushy-haired witch snorted.

"It's all they think about," she sighed dramatically.

Theo, in turn, shot the girls a look of pretend hurt. "That's not true. We guys think of other things..."

"Like what?" Hermione fired back.

Theo glanced at Harry, then Draco, both of whom shrugged and gave him a look saying You're on your own, mate. "Thanks for the help," he grumbled. "Well...we think about...why Snape's hair looks so greasy all the time," he continued, rather weakly.

Pansy shook her head disapprovingly. "Yep. Nothing but air up there," she snickered.

The group continued to fling comments and retorts, as they made their way back up to the Great Hall for dinner, where they would part ways for a short time, then meet up again afterwards, heading towards a certain room with special properties. And in said room, they spent the entire time talking in front of a roaring fire which was provided by the special room, until curfew hours were fast approaching, after which they bid each other goodnight.

A truce had been called, amongst a certain group of Slytherins and Gryffindors. A truce, the likes of which had not been seen since Godric Gryffindor and Salazar Slytherin had parted ways. Hogwarts smiled down upon the young truce; everything was finally at peace.

Escaping Darkness [Book 1 of Through Darkness and Light]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant