Chapter 8:"Chamber of Secrets"

Start from the beginning

He jumped down immediately and got tangled by Devil Snare but he only stayed relaxed until he came out from the Devil Snare. Hadrian fall into his foot straighten his clothes and go toward the room full of flying key

"Accio, True Key!" Hadriaa chanted wandlesly

One of the Key appear in his hand make him open the door and the next thing is a Chess, Hadrian just like the before life he play the Chess but he stand at the side when the Game begin until for a few minute finally

"Checkmate!" Hadrian say make the Knight sword fall from it hand

Hadrian exhaled and walked past the broken Chest to the Stair saw the Mirror. He stand in front of the mirror

"Desire Mirror..." Hadrian muttered

He saw his reflection has a Philosopher stone move to his pocket make Hadrian smile take out the stone from his pocket and indeed saw the Stone in there, Hadrian put the fake stone in the Mirror that like a lake when he put his hand inside the mirror

"Thank you..." Hadrian muttered

He turned his heel and halted when the Mirror glowed, making him look back wide-eyed when he saw his Grown Up self with a Wizarding World celebrating a Samhain without nervousness to get caught. Hadrian saw him with his Raven Black hair flowing behind him, He look down at the Children who laughing freely and the wizard who also laugh and talk freely but the one who caught his eyes is a Crown at the top of his head

He wears a white and Black Robe that fits his slender body with a Silver Dragon Crown in his head. Hadrian took a sharp breath when someone wore Royalty clothes. A brown wavy hair and a Crimson eye has a fondness and Love in that pair of Crimson eyes walk to him and embrace him in lovely manner, They have happiness in them.

Hadrian took a step back from the Image who had gone now. He bend clutched his chest who hammering

"Is.. Is this my Desire?" Hadrian ask in disbelieve

'Crown Prince, it's time for the Feast soon...' Lady Hogwarts break his though

Hadrian run back to the Slytherin Dungeon and put the Philosopher Stone in hidden compartment in his trunk then he go to the Great Hall in silent sit beside Draco

"Miss me?" Hadrian whisper make him yelped

"Where are you going?" Draco ask

Hadrian exhaled, "Just to the Library.. Don't mind me.."

Draco hummed and with Hadrian saw the feast of the Sweet on the table he took some bread since he had no way of eating food. Hadrian looks at Dumbledore who still hasn't noticed that the Stone is gone. Good

Hadrian also try to look at Prof. Quirrell but he's nowhere in sight make him narrowed his eyes until the Door of Great Hall showing a Panic Prof. Quirrell

"TROLL!! IN THE DUNGEON!! TROLL IN THE DUNGEON!!" Prof. Quirrell shouted, making the Hall silence, "Though you ought to know.."

And he fainted in the ground, The Student panic screamed stand up make a ruckus even Draco screamed until Dumbledore Shout

"SILENCE!!" He shouted, making the student halt silent look at him, "Everyone please not Panic!! Now, the Prefect will lead the House back to dormitories, teacher please follow me to the Dungeon!"

Hadrian whistled loudly and made them look at him, "Slytherin and Ravenclaws Dormitory is in Dungeon, Sir.. The troll is in the dungeon, we better stay in here..."

The Professor agreed, Ravenclaws and Slytherin sit back in the seat with Ravenclaws in the Hall

"Ravenclaws and Slytherin Prefect please make sure no one get out from the Hall..." Hadrian flick his hand and with bang the door is closed, making them awed at his wandless magic, "I want 2 houses to drop their Pride since it was a Life or Death Situation! Please come around so the Prefect and 7th year can protect you all and make sure to be away from the Door since Merlin knows that Troll is strong..."

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