Chapter 40 😱

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Why is this story so long, Its not even close to it being done. 🙂

No ones POV

Minato was sitting in the waiting room of the hospital, along with Kokichi and Shuichi. Kokichi was asleep, with her head resting on Shuichi's shoulder. Minato was sitting in the corner, because there was a spider on the seat he was going to sit at. But Minato was very upset, he was worried for Kai. He was also angry at Yuki's girlfriend. He was ranting in his head about how mad he is.

'Stupid ass bitch I hate you so fucking much I hope you die I'll kill you Bitch I'll rip out your ramen noodle hair out of your head I'll rip off all your limb and bash your head on a brick wall over and over again and stab your ugly blue eyes out and then I'll burn you I'll burn you, you stupid ugly blonde hair mean girl looking ass bitch-'

As you can see he's very mad.

Shuichi was just looking at him as he mumbled, then the door opened. A doctor, the same doctor that helped Kokichi giving birth. Mikan Tsumiki. "Hello." She said her stuttering has been getting better. "Kai seems to be doing b-better, nothing was too serious.." she muttered, "Thank you, are we able to see him?" Shuichi asked. "Yes." She nodded. Shuichi got up and picked up Kokichi as well, Minato followed them.

They walked into Kai's room, he was currently sleeping. Shuichi softly shook Kokichi to wake her up. "Mmm." She mumbled. "Wake up Kichi." Shuichi whispered. Kokichi opened her eyes and looked around, she saw Kai and got off of Shuichi to run over to his bed. Minato did the same and observed Kai, he had white bandages rapped around his head. His skin looked paler than usual, and slight bags under his eyes. Kokichi caressed her child's face and softly cried.

"Why does he always have to end up in the hospital.." She cried. "It's okay Mrs. Saihara-." "Don't call me that." She glared. "Oh- I'm sorry what would you like me to call you?" Minato smiled. "Ouma please.." She whispered looking down. (Kokichi doesn't like being called Mrs. Saihara cause it brings memories of the incident with Shuichis mother.) "Kai's going to be okay Kichi." Shuichi whispered to her.

"Okay.." Kokichi sniffled. "The doctor said it wasn't that bad, he can come home once he wakes up." Shuichi gave a reassuring smile to Minato and Kokichi. "That's good news!" Minato smiled. Kokichi nodded. "Let's get back home, it's lat-." "No! I wanna stay here." Kokichi stopped Shuichi. "But Kokichi." Shuichi looked down at her. "You two can leave, I can stay here by myself." She said confidently.

"Are you sure?" Minato asked looking around. "Yeah..I need to watch Kai, I don't wanna leave him alone." Kokichi frowned as she looked over at Kai. "O-Okay." Shuichi responded. "Bye." She waved as the two men left. They were very unsure of leaving her alone, especially Shuichi. He knew Kokichi didn't like being alone, nor being in the dark. The hospital rooms are quite same too. So he fairly was concerned.

"Do you think it's okay to leave her alone?" Minato asked, with a unsure smile on his face. "No absolutely not, but I trust her." Shuichi mumbled. "Oh, okay." Minato shrugged. "I feel like a bad husband." Shuichi shook his head. It brought Minato's full attention. "Don't say that! Uh, actually I don't know how to respond to that ignore me." Minato stopped himself. Shuichi did what Minato told him and ignored him.

They got home, since Kai wasn't there Minato decided to sleep on his bed. He couldn't wait to embrace the sent of Kai. The sent that cover the bed sheets and blankets. He hopped on Kai's bed, it was nice to Minato, the blankets were soft. And the fragrance of strawberries, and cigarettes. (Yes, Kai still smokes he gives no fucks.) "This is nice." Minato hummed, He sat there for 15 minutes until getting up to change into pajamas.

'Tomorrow's gonna be a big day! I have to think about how I supposed to take Yuki's girlfriend existence from this cruel world.' Minato thought, he has to be serious with this, he has to be his scariest for tomorrow. Maybe stabbing? No to ironic, drowning? No he doesn't wanna get wet, that's it choking! 'I'll just strangle her, then set it up as a suicide. I'll make her write a suicide note, I'll just try my best a manipulating.'

Minato cuddled Kai's blankets and quickly fell asleep.

This chapters kinda short 😳

Cute brothers being brothers 😌

And Kai x Yuki's (it's unfinished ik)

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And Kai x Yuki's (it's unfinished ik)

And Kai x Yuki's (it's unfinished ik)

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